Pertaining to humans, and it may work with horses, Vitamin C strengthens the
lung tisssue - all tissues actually.  I had a lung infection from fungus
back in the '70's which bled a cup of highly oxygenated bood periodically
and I used 10 grams of vitamin C to help heal it.  Vitamin E healed the
scarring.  Possible IV Vitamin C??? for the horses.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 12:46 PM, polo <> wrote:

>  Bob.
>     It has been my experience that CS will not curb bleeding. In my
> specialty of pulmonary bleeding on the race track, horses tend to bleed and
> the traditional veterinary protocol is to inject them with lasix, a
> diuretic, which some times helps. Many times, it does not. Also, vets seem
> not to know why performance horses bleed from the lungs. It is my experience
> and theory that they bleed because they have a biofilm lung infection which
> is very hard to diagnose, culture and treat with conventional antibiotics.
> DMSO and CS seems some what effective as long as we can work around the
> state ban on DMSO given in the vicinity time frame of a race. I think
> liposomal CS may offer a much needed option to striking at the heart of this
> bleeding problem by aiming at the offending biofilm infection and not be
> curbing the bleeding directly per se.
> doug
> ----- Original Message -----
> Doug,
>       Have you used CS as a treatment for bleeders?  If so, how do you do
> this.  Thanks.
>       Bob