See: *Practicing  Medicine Without a License *  Owen Fonrow

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:43 PM, John E. Stevens <> wrote:

> Simeon:  I'll get back to you.
> Sunny:
> There are companies out there in the market place that sell good vitamins,
> minerals and organic whole food source supplements at a decent price.  When
> possible I store up when there are 2 for the price of 1 sales.  There are
> certain supplements I've been taking for 35 or more years and will never
> give up.  As you say, wellness is paramount and the prevention of disease is
> also paramount.
> I also grow an organic garden every summer and can and freeze for winter
> usage.  Grow as much fruit as you can, too.  It's difficult to grow pine
> tree bark, though (ha...) and ubiquinol...
> There are some supplements you cannot grow because of the source (i.e.,
> vitamin E with mixed tocoph and toc., etc.,)  and some you cannot grow
> depending somewhat on your weather and growing season.
> One reason I have my own CSW makers is because the cost at health food
> stores is absurd - and usually we can make a better (and stronger) CSW than
> they sell at health food stores for extremely less money.
> Once a month I sit and fill cleaned plastic 35 mm film containers with all
> of my vitamin and mineral supplements for the month so if I leave to
> substitute teach or work somewhere, I can tote them with me easily.  I
> always bring my own lunch, my own water and my own organic coffee -because I
> don't trust restaurants and I will not drink chlorinated water. I also carry
> CSW in an amber bottle with me - and CSW in a nose spray.  I use a portable
> ozonator to ozonate my drinking water (sometimes), but I always use a
> vitalizer to add a lot more oxygen to the water.  i know the vitalizer works
> well, because when the Red Cross takes a pint of my blood every 56 days they
> tell me my blood is highly oxygenated.  Why is that important?  Because
> disease, cancer, viruses and other harmful bacteria cannot live in a highly
> oxygenated environment.
> If we don't have our heath - we have nothing...
> John
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Donna <> wrote:
>> Yes I would love to buy alot of things but simply can't afford it on a
>> fixed income. Shame it's so expensive to try and stay healthy!
>> Donna ACS
>>  John I admire your attention to health.  And I'm wondering two thing..
>>> how much must it cost to take all these supplements and if we dont have
>>> those kind of funds, where can we obtain this naturally. Could it be by
>>> growing a forest garden?
>>>  I'm serious here... when I had money I'd buy all this stuff.. and start
>>> a regime.. but to be naturally healthy these days it appears one has to also
>>> have a lot of 'money-energy'.  No griping here, I chose a life of simplicity
>>> to divest myself.. but wellness is paramount.
>>>  Can anyone share how we can get these nutrients more naturally.. for
>>> example, berries from a bush and food that is readily available locally?
>>> That would be a challenge...
>>>  and thanks to you all for your astounding knowledge sharing..
>>> with love
>>> sunny
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>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Tue, January 12, 2010 6:52:23 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vitamin C and Hardening of the Arteries
>>> Crumbs John, its amazing you have time to teach in between taking all
>>> that <lol>!  dee
>>> On 12 Jan 2010, at 10:41, John E. Stevens wrote:
>>> > Hi, Simeon:
>>> >
>>> > I use some vitamin C with calcium as a buffer with bioflavonoids, Alive
>>> Vitamin C from berries, and "regular" vitamin C with bio - no buffer.  i eat
>>> about two small meals daily so I now take about 8000 mg  of Vit C with each
>>> of those two meals.
>>> > Supplement use needs to be customized for each individual and their
>>> life, health history, family health history - it's not the "one program" for
>>> everyone.  I take a lot of supplements for health support: 400 IU's vit E
>>> (mixed tocoph's and tocotr's) twice a day, 100 mg ubiquinol, 20 mg
>>> resveratrol, B Complex 100, whole food B6, B12 and Folate (not Folic acid -
>>> folate - the real stuff), Vit A (cod Liver Oil), Vit D 6 - 8000 daily,
>>> prostate supoport, pycnogenol, lutein, zeaxanthan, asaxanthan, calcium,
>>> magnesium, selenium, GTF chromium, whole food VM, chlorella, zeolite,
>>> vitamin K, a cup of Flor*essence at retiring, creatine, silica, lithium
>>> (once in a while), minerals, etc.,  I'm a 95% organic eater including wild
>>> fish and natural grass fed meat and poultry - no GH or antibiotics.  Pure
>>> Spring water is another "vitamin..."
>>> > I know I've left some out which I'll get to later - I've got to teach
>>> this morning. > Recently, my hair has turned from all gray to all blond
>>> about the color it was when I was a kid of 10 - 12... I do take an HGH
>>> activator which I attribute this change to.  Yes - it's full head of blond
>>> hair - no balding... Thank you God...
>>> >
>>> > John
>>> >
>>> --
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