If I were you Id do two things right away. Make a paste out of activated charcoal and tincture of lobelia, echinacia,comfrey, and lobelia (brownrecluses.com makes a great one). Id also apply some electricity. Get a flashlight battery (not 9 volt, 1 ½ or 3 volt). Solder two wires to either end, cut some sponges in 2 inch squares and wrap those sponges around the two ends of the two wires (after you strip the ends of plastic). Afix with a rubber band. Wet sponges and apply sponges to either side of bite or one on top and one on the other side of forearm. Keep in place for 5 minutes then switch sponges and treat for another 5 minutes. Do this once a day for the next 3 days. Apply paste twice a day. If you cant get any of these things, get some baking soda and mix with CS to a paste. Apply this in same manner but wont be as effective as the lobelia tincture. Good luck.
Bob _____ From: vicki hood [mailto:mutt...@isp.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 4:31 PM To: silver-list@eskimo.com Subject: CS>tick bite problem Hi all, Yesterday scraped tick out of my forearm. It was half embedded. Very smalll deer tick. I have problems. I drank CS numerous times, washed it with alcohol, scratched a lot. Last night it swelled. It turned red. It hurts and itches in a path 3inches by 6 inches with a hard circle about the size of a 50 cent piece at the bite then swelling and heat and red that headed upward and sideways from the top of my forearm. It is hot and swollen ---Still drinking CS. short soak in rubbing alcohol. Several swabs of oil of oregano. Avoiding doctor. everal years ago i had tick bite that had hard, red angry reaction. Doctor said i am allergic. Whoa, Benedryl? What do i do? HELP. MuttmomVicki