Go to a doc and get a month of antibiotics.  You can do all this other
stuff as well.  Take lots of probiotics if you take the antibiotics.  They
are not as dangerous as not getting them when you are bitten by a tick.

I second the CS with DMSO topically.  Since it if in your forearm, I would
make a bath with 90% CS and 10% DMSO and just submerge the whole rash for
as long as you can each day.


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:56 PM, mgperrault <mgperra...@aol.com> wrote:

>  I would consider godzilla type Zapping, nothing but 6 volt battery with
> leads stuck into sponges or whatever.  Beyond that, frequency zapping ala
> Hulda Clark and Rife.  Brooks CS with DMSO topically.  Prid drawing salve
> from the pharmacy has drawing powers if you leave it on for a few days in a
> paste.  Make a salve from bees wax olive or coconut oil and oregano oil.
> Add lavender oil and clove to it.
> On 11/21/2012 5:31 PM, vicki hood wrote:
> Hi all,  Yesterday scraped tick out of my forearm.  It was half embedded.
> Very smalll deer tick.  I have problems.  I drank CS numerous times, washed
> it with alcohol, scratched a lot.  Last night it swelled.  It turned red.
> It hurts and itches in a path 3inches by 6 inches with a hard circle about
> the size of a 50 cent piece at the bite then swelling and heat and red
>  that headed upward and sideways from the top of my forearm.  It is hot and
> swollen  ---Still drinking CS. short soak in rubbing alcohol.  Several
> swabs of oil of oregano. Avoiding doctor.  everal years ago i had tick bite
> that had hard, red angry reaction.  Doctor said i am allergic.  Whoa,
> Benedryl?  What do i do?  HELP.  MuttmomVicki