Thanks for your response im not familiar with find any folks of this
healing knowledge.
i would like to get this resolved. What makes this clay more palatable. Or
does it matter?

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Craig Chamberlin <> wrote:

> **
> Yes, if one did not know the person who made the recommendation, but Del
> is well known here and highly respected.  If he made an error in his
> recommendation, there would have been many responses pointing that out FOR
> you.  Its the way it works here.
> Craig
> Gary Hilt wrote:
> AHHH my bad
> i appreciate the info but it would help me as i am a bit curious as to the
> substantiations of anything anyone would offer. i mean just because some
> one said they take a certain thing without at least some documentation
> would be  less than responsible. Do you not agree?

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Gary & Lennie