John Popelish wrote:

The ability to taste MSM must vary widely, from person to person. I can taste the solid granules on my tongue (bitter taste), but a quarter teaspoon in a cup or a half teaspoon in a bottle of wine has no taste, as far as I can tell.
A few years ago when the idea of some people being "super tasters" was making the rounds, I did the test and supposedly I am a super taster. Also some years ago, I knew online people who could put bare steroid tablets in their mouth and could eve chew them. Not a good idea at all, BTW, but once when caught out without anything to wash my (cut) tablet down with, I tried dry swallowing it, and it took well over 4 hours for the gawdawful bitter nasty taste to fade. Ever after, I put the cut tablet pieces in gelatin capsules, was the only way I could get them down without them contacting my tongue, LOL.

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