Well I was working on a pet private theory I've had for years regarding EIS.  
From my earlier laboratory tests the pH was between 7.0 and 8.0, on the 
alkaline side, even after weeks in storage, now if cancer and other nasties 
supposed to thrive or grow or multiply in an acidic environment I considered 
perhaps this could have something to do with how efficacious this stuff is, and 
I sort of still believe it has some merit.
I also believe if taken first thing in the morning before breakfast the stomach 
acid will be at it's lowest ebb, due to having nothing to digest for a number 
of hours during the night, this also is included in my pet theory for efficacy. 
 I have only stumbled upon one article which supports that view.  May be common 
knowledge to other folk, but being a numpty I only considered it in more recent 
As you may remember, I have always held the belief that EIS ingested 
immediately after brewing contains the highest amount of Ag+ ions, {which it 
does}, and hence is at its highest in efficacy, due to relative dormancy of 
stomach acid as explained above.  One other pH test I had undertaken in the 
past, {tested within hours of production and apparently was extremely high 
alkaline from what the bloke said} convinced me I may not be talking out of my 
hat.  All these in combination I had hypothesised could, and I repeat, "could", 
have something to do with why this stuff is so good for some health issues.
Now of course everything, other than the stomach acid thing, is all 
hypothesising and simply pie in the sky and has been blown completely out of 
the water with these other pH tests I had just got done.
It now seems one just cannot rely and/or trust anyone else to perform any form 
of tests, nor can one rely on the cleanliness of equipment used for that 
testing.  There are just too many inconsistencies and potential variables with 
DW, personnel involved in the testing, equipment used, unknown contaminants etc 
It just annoys me that I can find zero information in the public domain 
regarding the stuff we make, everything revolves around that damn so called 
"colloidal silver" and it's illegitimate cousins.  I am unable to find anything 
to do with our predominantly ionic product which can be taken as gospel or of 
any relative value.
Today was a disappointing day for me.  OK, I may use a cheap brand of DW, but 
it would be nice to try Pure Water such as chemists use for prescriptions, or 
other water of excellent purity for pH testing, even RO water, which I 
can't/won't do in my kitchen anyway, so not being strong on patience I shan't 
bother messing around with pH for a while now. The more answers or clues I look 
for only turns up even more questions and uncertainties.

Subject: Re: CS>Electrode cleaning?
From: d...@deetroy.org
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 09:42:19 +0000
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

That's very interesting Neville and full marks for perseverance!  I've never 
tested for ph - only ppm and my distilled water always reads '0' on that and 
the CS always ends up about 15.  Does ph matter - I mean I know it does in our 
bodies, but does it in CS?  Many thanks...Dee