That should read "copper-ibuprofen complex" not "zinc-ibuprofen
Sorry about that.
Paul H
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Holloway" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 10:15 PM
Subject: CS>Copper and ibuprofen was Rheumatoid arthritis or
Lupus and nightshades
Copper gluconate should be OK, and if you take 3 a day (I'm
assuming you take the ibuprofen 3 times a day), that's 6mg
copper, which is certainly safe for a limited period, as copper
supplements can be sold in 5mg tablets. You might want to take
a zinc supplement too, as copper can inhibit zinc absorption.
In theory, the copper will combine in your stomach to form a
zinc-ibuprofen complex which has more anti-inflammatory effect
than ibuprofen on its own, and may heal stomach ulcers instead
of causing them. Copper salicylate does, and it looks like
other similar drugs do the same.
Check this out yourself, and make an informed decision. I
always take copper on the rare occasions I take ibuprofen, as
it seems safer to me than ibuprofen on its own.
I feel almost obliged to say this is not medical advice.... Has
anyone really been prosecuted for making a comment on a list
like this?
Paul H
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