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Dictator Bush asked Congress today to allow him to use military troops
against us to quarantine cities and force vaccinations on us in the
event that Bird Flu Hits:

See additional oddities about this scenario at the following website


In New Orleans we witnessed FEMA murder huge numbers of people. In the
event that martial law is declared nationally, FEMA would be literally
running the country- without any congressional oversight, and totally
contrary to the rule of law. FEMA was imposed on us by John F. Kennedy
by Executive Order.

The time has come for everyone on the IAHF list to arm themselves with
information, and to take action to strengthen their immune systems. This
morning I walked 6 miles. Tomorrow I'll swim a mile and use the sauna.
Every day I eat nothing but organic food and use good supplements.
We all need to help each other. In Bellingham WA theres a group I'm part
of called "Sustainable Bellingham" that is endeavoring to get everyone
organized in case TSHTF. All the organic growers, people who know about
alternative energy, etc are meeting and organizing.

You need to do this where you live. The article below is a good one.
Lots of people have been sending me articles, ideas and information. The
main thing to do is stay calm. Getting overly emotional about any of
this will mess up your sleep and weaken your immune system.

In the midst of all this chaos- IAHF is continuing to do public speaking
about CODEX.
We're in a process now of planning a fund raising plan to assist Kevin
Miller in fighting his legal battle against the (so called) "Natural
Solutions Foundation" (which is sueing him) and to help him generate an
expanded version of his film. More on this in future alerts, but for
now, please read the article below and foward it with this alert to your
friends and family. Our best protection against government tyranny is
knowledge and information. 

We can generate massive resistance to forced vaccination by educating
everyone we know. If you can't psychologically handle the idea of arming
yourself with a weapon, you can arm yourself with information and you
can forward it. The pen is mightier than the sword, but if you can use
both, so much the better because this government is out of control,
completely off the rails. Posse Commatatus Act was put in place for a
reason. If they allow Bush to unleash the military on us, the gloves are
comin' off- we'll be in a good ol' fashioned hockey fight. New Orleans
was just a warm up for the FEMA murderers.

Essential Oils for Biological Warfare Preparedness 

Dr. Len Horowitz and Dr. Sabina Devita

Back in the days of the Black plague, and last century's devastating
influenza epidemic, a significant percentage of people survived. Even
with the more recent Ebola virus outbreaks, this ideal biological weapon
kills nine-out-of-ten people within three weeks of infection. Yet, ten
percent survive. The question is, "Why?" 

What makes survivors of biological attacks different from deceased
victims is their natural constitution and solid immunity. Modern science
teaches that you can, in fact, enhance both. For instance, the health
and function of your DNA critically depends on water hydration,
particularly of special Clustered Water molecules that fuel the double
helix's electrical potential for optimal cell function and longevity.
Likewise, your immunity can be naturally bolstered myriad ways.

A great example of one natural, God-given, and Bible recommended,
antibiotic ideally used to resist the plagues of yesteryear, and today,
including biological weapons attacks such as Anthrax and smallpox, is
essential oils. 

Did you know that during the great plague in Europe in 1413, a small
band of thieves were captured in Marseilles, France, and charged with
robbing the dead and dying bubonic plague victims? Although this "Black
Death" (Pasteurella pestis) was highly contagious, not one of this
morbid band of thieves ever contracted the disease.

The king, eager to protect himself and the Royal family, demanded to
know how the thieves had avoided the plague. Related by blood to a
lineage of apothecaries, the thieves were familiar with a combination of
specific plant oils that when rubbed over their bodies, protected them
from contracting this most feared and deadly disease. They rubbed a
concoction that included clove, rosemary, and cinnamon on their hands,
ears and temples. This same formulation found in the Royal English
Archives is available today from Young Living Essential Oils called the
"Thieves" oil blend.

Scriptures are filled with references to aromatic oils. In fact, 188
references to oils are made in the Bible. Frankincense, myrrh,
spikenard, and cassia are repeatedly mentioned throughout the Old and
New Testaments used for anointing and healing. Dr. Jean Valnet, one of
the world's foremost authorities on the therapeutic uses of these oils,
points out that the powerful medicinal value of essential oils were
known for centuries and were considered more valuable than gold and
prized for healing and anointing. 

We, therefore, highly encourage the purchase and use of natural
essential oils that have been developed for life-saving applications by
naturopathic physician and humanitarian, Dr. Gary Young. During a recent
meeting, Dr. Young presented his concerns and suggestions regarding the
need to prepare for biological warfare in the United States in the
aftermath of recent terrorist attacks and the retaliatory bombing in

Here, in summary, are our recommendations: 

Since we believe that the current global crisis likewise reflects
warfare taking place on at least six other spiritual dimensions, we urge
devout prayer and meditation for protection, peace, and global healing
at this critical time. We believe that the power of prayer and fasting
can make a huge different in accomplishing these outcomes. With this
objective in mind, and heart, we will be joining Dr. Young, and
thousands of others, in fasting every Wednesday. Water and juice fasts
are recommended.

Recommended Essential Oil Formulas

The following oil formulas, and their indications for usage, are
urgently recommended at this time:

Gathering — lends electromagnetic (i.e., spiritual) support and helps us
overcome the bombardment of chaotic energy that alters our focus and
pulls us off the path toward higher achievements. How to use: Place a
drop of each of these oils on the crown of your head, as this area is a
spiritual pathway involved in the reception of Divine guidance and inner
peace. This is also good while preparing to fast and pray for Divine
protection and world harmony. You can also diffuse or wear on temples,
neck, and wrists. Ingredients: galbanum, frankincense, sandalwood,
lavender, cinnamon, rose, spruce, geranium, and ylang ylang. 5ml bottle.

3 Wise Men — opens the subconscious mind through pineal stimulation to
help release deep-seated trauma. This blend brings a sense of grounding
and uplifting through emotional release and elevated spiritual
consciousness. How to use: Diffuse or apply two drops on the crown of
the head, behind the ears, over the eyebrows, on the chest, and at the
base of the neck. Ingredients: sandalwood, juniper, frankincense,
spruce, and myrrh in a base of almond oil. 15 ml bottle.

Exodus II — contains immune stimulating and anti-viral aromatics used by
Moses to protect the Israelites from a plague. How to use: Apply two
drops on wrists, feet or other non-sensitive areas of the body. Dilute
with V-6 Mixing oil or Massage Oil Base if necessary. Diffuse or apply
to palms of hands, cup hands over nose and mouth, and inhale deeply.
Ingredients: cinnamon, cassia, calamus, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense,
spikenard, and galbanum in a base of olive oil. 5 ml bottle.

Thieves — oils used historically in the 15th century to avoid the
plague. Laboratory studies found this blend killed 99.96 % of airborne
bacteria such as anthrax. How to use: Diffuse for short periods of time
(1/2 hour or less) or apply to the bottom of the feet or dilute with V-6
Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base for a stimulating massage under the arms
and on the chest at the base of the neck. Ingredients: clove, lemon,
cinnamon, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary. 15 ml bottle. 

R.C. — was formulated to help give relief to respiratory infections.
Great for coughs, sore throats, sinusitis and allergy symptoms. This
might be successfully used against upper respiratory Mycoplasma
infections that are widely affecting Americans at this time, as well as
possibly anthrax that commonly results in pneumonia. How to use: Diffuse
in living areas and workplace. Use in a humidifier. Apply on chest,
neck, ears, and bottom of feel. Use with a compress on chest and back.
Ingredients: Eucalyptus globules, E. radiata, E. austaliana, E.
citriodora, myrtle, marjoram, pine, cypress, lavender, spruce, and
peppermint. 15 ml Bottle.

Melrose — provides antiseptic properties to prevent diseases associated
with bacterial and fungal infections. This may also be helpful against
the "flu-like" illness associated with Mycoplasma. How to use: Diffuse
or apply topically on cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, and infections.
Ingredients: melaleuca, naouli, rosemary, and clove. 15 ml bottle.

Pan-Away — to help relieve pain and injury. How to use: Apply to the
bottom of the feet and follow with topical application on location of
pain or injury. Rub on temples, back of neck, or forehead, or inhale for
a soothing effect. Use with a compress along the spine. Ingredients:
wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, and peppermint. 15 ml bottle.

Aroma-Siez — can be helpful in relieving stress, aching muscles, and
fatigue. It is also good for calming and relaxing. How to use: Apply on
location for muscles, neck and feet. Add to bath water and dilute with
V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base for body massage. Ingredients: basil,
marjoram, lavender, peppermint, and cypress. 15 ml bottle.

Di-Tone — can be used for digestive problems, hearburn, bloating,
belching, and parasites. How to use: Apply topically over the stomach or
feet, or use in a compress on the abdomen. Ingredients: tarragon,
ginger, peppermint, juniper, anise, fennel, lemongrass, and patchouly.
15 ml bottle.

Recommended Individual Essential Oils 

Single essential oils to have on hand in preparation for biological and
chemical warfare include the following along with the indications cited

Wintergreen — is an oxygenator. It is beneficial for massage associated
with bone, muscle, and joint discomfort. How to use: Dilute with V-6
Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base and apply to the bottom of the feet. For
a soothing bath add 3 to 5 drops to ½ oz. of Bath Gel Base and pour in
bath water. 15 ml bottle.

White fir — is an oxygenator. It has antiseptic properties. How to use:
Diffuse or dilute with V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base for massage.
Put several drops in palms and inhale. 5 ml bottle.

Spruce — is an oxygenator. Helps support respiratory and nervous
systems. Its aromatic influences help to open and release emotional
blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance. 
How to use: Diffuse or apply topically. Add to food or rice milk as a
dietary supplement. 
15 ml bottle.

Red (Douglas) fir — is an oxygenator. Has an antiseptic ability to kill
airborne germs and bacteria. How to use: Diffuse of apply topically. 15
ml bottle.

As discussed in Dr. Horowitz's book Healing Celebrations: Miraculous
Recoveries Through Ancient Scriptures, Natural Medicine and Modern
Science, oxygenating products and technologies can produce miraculous
healings. Another great supplement which can add oxygen and oxygenating
herbs to your body for immune support is Dr. Horowitz's Body Oxygen.(For
more information about Dr. Horowitz's Body Oxygen, see the online store
at http://www.healingcelebrations.com.)

Thyme thymol (Thymus vulgaris CT thymol) and Melissa — For Anthrax
infection- Fill an empty capsule with about 12 or more drops of Thyme
and 1 drop of Melissa. Take 3 caps a day for 10 days, rest 48 hours then
start up again. Also rub these oils mixed with Massage Oil Base or V-6
Mixing Oil all over the body. Thyme 15 ml bottle. 

Idaho Tansy — is a powerful immune stimulant. How to use: Apply oil
directly over the cut or wound. (Rose ointment can also be used for deep
wounds mixed with the Idaho Tansy oil.) This provides protection against
viral infections when used topically on the skin. It is additionally
applied on the feet, but not to be consumed orally as it is a very
strong oil that can leave an after taste from its potent compounds. It
can also be used to help stop bleeding. Caution: Avoid using if you are
epileptic or pregnant. Always dilute and skin test especially if you are
prone to allergies. 5 ml bottle.

Mountain Savory (5 ml bottle) and Oregano(15 ml bottle) — are powerful
anti-microbial oils, particularly against viruses. These oils are akin
to natural antibiotics. How to use: Diffuse or apply topically mixed
with V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base. 

Melissa — is a powerful anti-microbial oil, particularly against
viruses. This has powerful calming, relaxing, and antiviral properties.
How to use: One drop under the tongue, or in water or juice, may suffice
as treatment for viral infections. Rub two drops of Melissa into your
hands and then run your hands through your hair as a preventive and

Dr. Cates, leading researcher at Brigham Young University, found that
Turkish Oregano and Melissa to be much better than many antibiotics.

Without reservation, we recommend Young Living Essential Oils-a world
leader in the cultivation, distillation and production of organically
grown, therapeutic Grade A essential oils. The company has impeccable
standards which we have personally witnessed on their organic farm and
distillation facility in Idaho. They are the only producer in North
America that meets International Standards for therapeutic-grade A
essential oils obtaining the AFNOR label.

All of the oils mentioned above have an important role in protecting the
immune system as well as having powerful antibacterial and/or antiviral
properties. Thus, they should earn a respectable place in your emergency
kits and home preparedness programs. We trust that this information will
be of use to you in helping to protect yourself and your loved ones
during this very troubling and dangerous time


For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World

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