Correct me  - my impression of discussions here is that this group seems to be 
focussed exclusively on the future development of a superAGI - and that is 
always considered to be a *computer*.

However, there is still no sign of that ever happening - of a disembodied 
computer achieving true intelligence - (or even how such a thing, were it 
possible, could avoid being simply switched off).

What however now seems extremely probable  is that Artificial Life will happen. 
Today the first artificial genome was announced:

(any significance in the choice of Mycoplasma genitalium?)

Awed hush, please. Soon there will be an artificial cell.

It also seems highly probable now with Darpa that we will have robots freely 
roaming the earth eventually - however long it may take.

(These are the areas where all the serious money is going).

Why does discussion never (unless I've missed something - in which case 
apologies) focus on the more realistic future "threats"/possibilities -   
future artificial species as opposed to future computer simulations? 

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