On Jan 26, 2008, at 2:36 PM, Mike Tintner wrote:

Gudrun: I am an artist who is interested in science, in utopia and seemingly
projects. I also came across a lot of artists with OC traits. ...
The OCAP, actually the obsessive compulsive 'arctificial' project ..
These new OCA entities ... are afraid, and bound to rituals and unwant
ed thoughts (and actions).

Some odd thoughts:

I'd wondered whether you might be interested in the reality rather than the science-fiction - of the connection between OCD and real scientists and technologists. Ben's article arguably raises interesting questions about their psychology generally and not just that of Extropians, (and has the elements, if not the story, for a good movie).

(BTW after his highlighting of one Extropian sucide, up comes an article on two suicides closer to AI home - those of Singh & McKinstry (both Minsky-related!):


with a note that: "MIT has attracted headlines for its high suicide rate in the past," )

The connection between the scientific, systemising personality and autism - the ultimate in an obsessive need to control and also in a rejection of humanity - has obviously been expounded by Sacha Baron- Cohen :


And you don't say, but aren't artists - whatever their philosophical position - fundamentally opposed to science's current worldview? Science still sees human beings as automata in an automatic process

Not really.

- fundamentally totally controlled,


- (and v. few AI-ers disagree) - while the arts see us, in the shape of a million or so dramatic works, as heroes in a heroic drama - fundamentally unpredictable and suspenseful.

Both are true and not true. So what? What will you we with our lives? What meaning will we create from the meaningless accident of our existence? That is art, and science, and more.

- s

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