From: Paul Kyzivat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The UA receiving this must (by definition) be the UAS. It *ought* to be 
   the intended recipient of the request (leaving aside some B2BUAs which 
   have different issues). As the intended recipient, the URI ought to be 
   one it knows about. Since this one is malformed (and the UA probably 
   wouldn't *intend* to support malformed ones) this URI must be something 
   unknown to the UAS. In that case a good response is 404 Not Found.

I would say that 400 is acceptable also, because the UA may not be
even able to parse the incoming message enough to decide what
precisely it didn't like about.

If the UA is one that never forwards messages, it seems plausible that
it might take a liberal interpretation of an un-escaped character that
should be escaped but otherwise has no interpretation.  If the UA is
considering sending the message on, I would argue strongly that it
should reject the message, because it can't forward the message in a
strictly compliant way without making guesses as to what the sender
meant, and it does not have the implicit information "if I received
it, it must have been intended for me".

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