Hey Michal,
  Your definitely right.  Its something we should look into


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:05 PM, Michal Doniec <doni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "Eventually we might do versioned referencing but it would require some
> asset tracking tools that we just don't have."
> I'd start with some off the shelf version control software to do half of
> the work for you (perforce, maybe svn etc.), a rather simple database on
> top of this and some UI usually does the job for most cases where assets
> are not too complex and relatively lightweight, ie. mesh/rig character type
> assets. What I am saying is it doesn't really take much to get a system
> like this going and benefits can be potentially really big.
> Sorry for being bit off topic.
> On 22 May 2013 10:00, Enrique Caballero <enriquecaball...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> We do live referencing here as we don't have much for versioning control
>> at this small studio.  Its worked fine for us so far as our rigs are pretty
>> simple and eventually development stops for them on a project.
>> Eventually we might do versioned referencing but it would require some
>> asset tracking tools that we just don't have. We also don't have enough
>> coordinators to keep track of what shot gets what rig, or the development
>> man power to update our pipeline.
>> Tiny shop in Singapore, very difficult to find talented developers.
>> Until then I've written a bunch of delta cleaning scripts that can solve
>> 90% of our issues, and what was most important for us, was that we are very
>> careful about how we import referenced models so that
>> no unnecessary information gets written to the delta.  So if a rig change
>> does happen, the delta wont freak out and break the rig.
>> Basically via scripting,  I create an empty referenced model, populate
>> the paths for the rig resolutions, add an empty delta, set the proper
>> settings, disabling the evil ones, and then finally setting the active
>> resolution.  I have found this technique to be absolutely essential to
>> making sure our deltas don't store any extra nonsense in them that would
>> eventually clash with a rig change.
>> Otherwise if the animator simply did a vanilla "import referenced model"
>>  this referenced model would have a delta on it thats fully enabled, and it
>> would immediately store a bunch of useless crap under stored
>> expressions/stored positions that would eventually cause the rig to explode
>> when we did the next rig update.
>> Aside from that, when something bad happens, I run one of 3 delta
>> cleaners if necessary, but to be honest it hasnt happened much in a very
>> long time.
>> I am very open minded, but i also know the animators at this company very
>> well. If I gave them a local model pipeline they would bring this studio to
>> its knees and I would be out of a job very quickly
>> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Raffaele Fragapane <
>> raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> That's only an issue with live referencing, which is a pretty bad way to
>>> go about it.
>>> Versioned referencing will not hold any surprises as you control when a
>>> rig reaches what shots. It's a matter of asset management, not of
>>> referencing VS localized.
>>> If anything localizing takes a liberty away from you, it doesn't ADD
>>> security :)
>>> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Sandy Sutherland <
>>> sandy.mailli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I did - and we locked everything that was not supposed to move/key.
>>>>  Worked fine and it is not so difficult to write the tools to do a model
>>>> update.  Also one BIG plus to this method against referencing is that you
>>>> avoid surprises when something changes in the rig that affects animation
>>>> and it gets auto updated in a reference, THAT has happened to me before,
>>>> largely due to the nature of the overlapping schedules we work with in SA.
>>>> S.
>>>> On 22/05/2013 04:48, Enrique Caballero wrote:
>>>>> Jeremie, I considered letting them animate in local mode but i decided
>>>>> that the risks outweighed the benefits.
>>>>> I am just 100% uncomfortable with trusting the animators with Local
>>>>> models. They will start deleting objects and changing heirarchy.
>>>>> So instead I stripped down the rig of unecessary stuff.  I took all
>>>>> the cloth controls away and seperated it into a different rig, and then
>>>>> aggressively cut down the amount of keyable params.
>>>>> Its at least manageable now.
>>>>> Are you really comfortable letting the animators animate local models?
>>>>>  I don't think I could ever let it happen
>>> --
>>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
>>> and let them flee like the dogs they are!
> --
> ----------
> Michal
> http://uk.linkedin.com/in/mdoniec

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