I ended up buying Syntheyes for a project because of those very reasons.   
Unfortunately Match Mover just isn't up to the task much anymore and I doubt AD 
is going to sink money into improving it.

Syntheyes is very capable and inexpensive.  The interface may not be the best, 
but it is a workhorse and is well supported by the developer.


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On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Gerbrand Nel <nagv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll laugh tomorrow ;)
> On 2013/09/13 04:09 PM, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:
>> the rumors is you have to export to .vbs for Softimage|XSI and every
>> other option is just there for a good laugh
>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Gerbrand Nel <nagv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I know the rest of the world is on pf track, but we have allot of shots to
>>> track and only 1 pf license.
>>> I would like to help the tracking along in matchmover, but it has been YEARS
>>> since I touched it, So I thought I'd ask here :)
>>> 1st problem: I did the elastic tutorial in Match mover, but I cant seem to
>>> export to .XSI or .FBX.
>>> It exports to Maya and max, but I don't have those to check.
>>> Is it broken, or am I breaking it?
>>> We need to track moving heads in hand held footage. Can matchmover do this
>>> and do you guys know of handy tutorials on this?
>>> I tried the mocap tutorial, but it uses 2 cameras, and we only have footage
>>> from 1 camera.
>>> Thanks for reading, and sorry for the OT
>>> G

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