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> On Mar 5, 2014, at 5:11, Jeffrey Dates <jda...@kungfukoi.com> wrote:
> This.
> Everything Andy said.
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Andy Jones <andy.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Many studios having the same problems at the same time is a HUGE opportunity 
>> if we leverage it properly.
>> I completely agree about the collaboration that will be necessary from 
>> users.  However, for studios' part, I know a lot of places are interested in 
>> Fabric already, even if they haven't actually bought licenses yet.  So if 
>> part of the incentive was some kind of agreement for the FE guys to help 
>> nurture a scene assembly tool to life quickly, it might help tip the scale 
>> for whatever cost/benefit analysis places are doing.  The devs working on 
>> Fabric are truly some of the best in the world (and from what I understand, 
>> a big part of the reason AD bought Softimage to begin with).  They are a big 
>> part of the equation for what will happen in the future, even if they don't 
>> end up wanting to build a scene assembler as a supported "product" in itself 
>> (or who knows -- maybe they will?).
>> It would be great to get a little (or big?) list of studios that are 
>> interested in this sort of project (or other ones) and possibly have some 
>> kind of summit with the FE guys about what it would take to fast-track FE 
>> into certain critical areas of production, assuming a certain number of 
>> licenses were purchased.  No commitments at this point -- just a list of 
>> interested parties who might be curious enough to be part of the 
>> conversation, pending whatever other conversations need to be had with 
>> superiors.  I.e., it's understood that nobody is speaking for their 
>> companies at this point.  Just indicating that they think their company 
>> *might* be interested.
>> I'll start:
>> Psyop
>> Massmarket
>>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Felix Geremus <felixgere...@googlemail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> You are probably right. But these times are a little bit different and 
>>> maybe that's exactly the one chance inside all this mess. We're all sitting 
>>> in the same boat at the same time. I know a lot of studios who entirely 
>>> rely on Softimage for lighting. All of these will have to spend time and 
>>> thus money to move on to another pipeline during the next two years anyway. 
>>> So why not invest at least parts of this time into the same thing? 
>>> Individuals are great, and the community should absolutely try. But it's so 
>>> hard to put something like this together in your spare time. A few studios 
>>> supporting and profiting from this effort would accelerate the whole 
>>> process immensely. And about showing potential: wasn't Stage, and all the 
>>> other fabric applications build for exactly this reason? To show the 
>>> potential of such a project?
>>> 2014-03-04 21:55 GMT+01:00 Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com>:
>>>> it is a bit harder for visual effects vendors/studios, in an already 
>>>> difficult market, spending money on software development (not their core 
>>>> business) is a hard sell. seeing a product or product in development on 
>>>> the other hand drums up interest which leads to real investment and 
>>>> collaboration. they need to see if their ideas are aligned with others on 
>>>> the project. don't take my comment as discouragement, it is just how i see 
>>>> it... for now it will be on individuals to come together on a project 
>>>> which shows potential. i hope we, the remaining softimage community, can 
>>>> do that together. again, not discouragement to any studio which wants to 
>>>> partner to make something happen... 
>>>> steven
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Felix Geremus 
>>>>> <felixgere...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> So now that Softimage will be gone, isn't there room or even need for 
>>>>> collaboration here? Before everybody tries to build something themselves, 
>>>>> shouldn't people try to bundle forces? And I'm not only talking about 
>>>>> individuals here. I'm talking about small to medium size companies who 
>>>>> couldn't afford to build something like this alone.

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