I will be surprised if bit frost is anything compared to ice. But who
knows. I will be honest I have never used Maya, and never have ventured
into that territory from things I have heard. With all the thing I'm
reading after the EOL was announce I just think out the box it far too
technical/hardwork for my personal work flow.

Let's be rational, ice is 5 some years old and was 2-3 years in the making
before that. So that's 7-8 years. I would be interested to find out how
long this bit frost has been in the making.....now considering they only
bought niad not too long ago and I read its based somehow on that, I would
be sceptical how well it could work or how mature it is. I just think all
of this is based on pure market share and pleasing the share holders.

But like I said I don't know. But I know I will be looking for another
route away from autocash for sure.

I hope most people follow another path to show these bully tactics are bull
shit and the customer is always right.

On 14 Mar 2014 18:43, "Nuno Conceicao" <nunoalexconcei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gee, I guess how many features wont be supported in Bifrost, or how long
> it will take them to have it at the level ICE currently is...
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Ahmidou Lyazidi <ahmidou....@gmail.com>wrote:
>> # mean mode on
>> They should introduce first the concept of weight map object in Maya as
>> currently it's all blackboxed in the different nodes,
>> and all with different SDK access...
>> # mean mode off
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Ahmidou Lyazidi
>> Director | TD | CG artist
>> http://vimeo.com/ahmidou/videos
>> http://www.cappuccino-films.com
>> 2014-03-14 19:29 GMT+01:00 Nuno Conceicao <nunoalexconcei...@gmail.com>:
>> Something just came up on my head while doing blendshapes and using ICE
>>> to help along.
>>> Can you guys imagine how would ICE (or Biftrost) would work in Maya
>>> without a proper modelling stack like XSI''s?
>>> Even something as simple as using ICE to invert weight maps that are
>>> hooked with shapes with an already enveloped character or fixing some poses
>>> maybe...

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