Stupid smartphone autocorrect...
Stack, not attack... and couple other idiotic things slipped in there.
Hopefully the gist of it is still clear.
On 16 Mar 2014 16:22, "Raffaele Fragapane" <>

> Yeah Nuno, I can easily enough. The stack is a patch for the lack of
> proper graph, not a feature worth promoting as the future. Maya has issues
> with evaluation missing certain things in default nodes, but the general
> paradigm of the graph is a superior approach.
> The lack of threading is more of an issue, but the stack doesn't
> facilitate that, ice works intra op, not across.
> Four the sake of all that's good in the world let's not push a attack
> against a proper DG as a superior feature, or make the mistake of thinking
> it's enabling in any regard. A proper sparse and arbitrary DG with the
> addition of simple entry and exit gates to facilitate things such as shape
> modeling at different stages, storing differentials and so on is an
> infinitely superior approach.
> On 15 Mar 2014 05:30, "Nuno Conceicao" <>
> wrote:
>> Something just came up on my head while doing blendshapes and using ICE
>> to help along.
>> Can you guys imagine how would ICE (or Biftrost) would work in Maya
>> without a proper modelling stack like XSI''s?
>> Even something as simple as using ICE to invert weight maps that are
>> hooked with shapes with an already enveloped character or fixing some poses
>> maybe...

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