Hi Adrian,

first of all thanks for all your posts during the last days - they are
highly appreciated.

Now on to this topic:

I think there's a tiny misunderstanding here...  ICE essentially is able to
manipulate any type of point data.

This of course includes any kind of particle work, but also includes stuff

- building custom deformers (thereby reading and driving polygon mesh point
- manipulating shape data (--> reading and driving the per-point shape
vectors per polygon mesh point position)
- manipulating UV's
- manipulating kinematic transforms
- ....

So our question does not so much focus on the decoupled standalone design
of Bifrost (which I personally find awesome).

We are rather wondering if these kinds of manipulations are part of the
Bifrost roadmap at all?

Of course I can't speak for all Softimage users... But I personally have
full confidence in Maya/Bifrost being able to perform in the realm if
simulation work eventually.

However I am utilizing ICE for all of the tasks above on a daily basis -
and this is where I am worried the most what part of Maya might be a proper
replacement for that.

Cheers, Martin

       Martin Chatterjee

[ Freelance Technical Director ]
[   http://www.chatterjee.de   ]
[ https://vimeo.com/chatterjee ]

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