Oh god, only 5?  Well, off the top of my head.

Hypershade vs. Rendertree w/Compounds.  This one is a no brainer, they 
Hypershade is the same limited interface from early Maya releases.  While 
Soft’s Rendertree has input ports listed on each node, that are collapsible if 
you don’t want to see them, Maya tucks all that into a very 
inconvenient/convoluted connection editor pop-up that doesn’t even show data 
types for outputs and inputs.  Completely missing compounds, etc. etc., the 
Hypershade is dated and simply bad.

Little things, like pulling down a menu, and shift clicking display flags 
without having to constantly dive back into the menu or tear it off.

Little things, like one hotkey for parenting that depending on which mouse 
button you use, determines whether you set your selection as a child or the 

Sticky keys.  (aka like in photoshop when you alt-click to sample a color while 
painting, once you let go of alt, your are back to the paint brush without 
having to press ‘b’ again.

Sensible, brilliantly thought out defaults for hotkeys and menu/interface.  I’d 
add to this to get rid of the stupid messy shelf system and spacebar menu 
altogether (or at least make sure the interface is great with the shelves 
hidden).  The big problem with Maya and Max is always that each seat is 
customized.  I can’t work fluently off a default Maya install and if I sit at 
your desk your customizations aren’t going to be the same as mine, I always 
have to start by loading extra tools, making custom shelves, setting custom 
hotkeys, etc. etc..  I don’t even want to have to load a custom user file.  
With softimage, I can sit at any machine, make sure it’s set to the system 
defaults which it usually is, and every tool is where it should be with great 

These ones are important to me but there are so many more.  It’s a shame that 
Autodesk, sometime over he last 6+ years, didn’t tackle Humanize Maya first 
before EOL’ing Softimage, if they are serious about this now however, they have 
a lot of hard work ahead of themselves.  I’m hopeful but sadly not confident, 
though I do know they have good devs over at AD, hopefully they will get the go 
ahead to work their magic, if so they might just pull this and more off.

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