Maybe it's because I know how this stuff works, but I think that video
seems to make it looks more complicated than it is.

XSI's render setup system has passes, groups, background/forground
partitions, creating an override prop, drag and dropping from ppg divot or
explorer to some dead spot on that override ppg. I think it would look
complicated if you speed through an explanation of that, it takes some soak
time to figure how all of that works.

This maya system is one to build a procedural recipe that will be applied
at render time.  Overrides are procedural in XSI (i.e. string-based) but in
this everything else is expression-based and late-bound, which means it can
deal with references and changing scenes.  The render setup can be exported
and manipulated in json.

On 18 April 2016 at 16:47, Graham Bell <> wrote:

> To be fair here, considering what system Maya had, it’s certainly a big
> improvement.
> Historically, AD have a track record of implementing a new
> feature/toolset, and then building it up in subsequent versions. So is it
> finished, probably not by a long chalk, but at least it’s a start. I guess
> we’ll see though.
> It would be nice to have literally taken the system from Soft, but as
> always I don’t think it’s that’s simple.  Soft and Maya work in different
> ways, and Soft benefited greatly from the amount of work that Halfdan did
> to that system. (I think recall Luc-Eric even saying how many lines of code
> it was.)
> Even in this state, I’d still take the new Maya system over what I have to
> use in Max, and that’s saying something. L
> G
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