The robot voice talking about rendering a robot does not help in humanizing

It looks like there are a lot of good advancements to make maya or a more
tolerable direction for us to take. Still have not jumped ship for another
3D  app yet. Lots of interesting things happening everywhere...

On Monday, April 18, 2016, Steven Caron <> wrote:

> Don't feed them Luc-Eric!
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Luc-Eric Rousseau <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Maybe it's because I know how this stuff works, but I think that video
>> seems to make it looks more complicated than it is.
>> XSI's render setup system has passes, groups, background/forground
>> partitions, creating an override prop, drag and dropping from ppg divot or
>> explorer to some dead spot on that override ppg. I think it would look
>> complicated if you speed through an explanation of that, it takes some soak
>> time to figure how all of that works.
>> This maya system is one to build a procedural recipe that will be applied
>> at render time.  Overrides are procedural in XSI (i.e. string-based) but in
>> this everything else is expression-based and late-bound, which means it can
>> deal with references and changing scenes.  The render setup can be exported
>> and manipulated in json.
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