This is the key to success. It made it very simple to work with
overrides in XSI but it didn't deal well (at all) with references that
change all the time. Using expressions is the way forward. Houdini is
using expressions in its stylesheets, Katana is using the equivalent
with nodes, we are using expressions in our in-house tool at Framestore.

I remember we had to use very precise workflow rules in XSI to keep
scenes clean (back objects partitions always being hidden, foreground
partitions always being visible, object matte partitions being called
MATTE, etc.) 

When you deal with expressions, you need even more rigid
rules. Otherwise it quickly become an unusable mess. Also, all objects
must respect the naming conventions. And artists who don't follow them
must be executed. 


On 2016-04-18 17:47, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:

> Overrides are procedural in XSI (i.e. string-based) but in this
everything else is expression-based and late-bound, which means it can
deal with references and changing scenes.

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