Interesting points Andres,  wonder if Vitaly Bulgarov plans on sticking
with Xsi, it looked like he used it on ghost in the Shell, so it is still a
valid design tool choice on contempory film productions in the right hands.
I've tried to maintain a philosophy to use the best tools for the task and
until something better (or faster) came along , Xsi was the tool most often
reached. Lately Houdini has been the go to tool for more complex technical
tasks but Xsi still for rapid prototype modelling, it's muscle memory Still

On Oct 25, 2017 9:47 PM, "Andres Stephens" <> wrote:

Though a good analogy... a tool is very different than a relationship with
a person…

There still are very efficient people building houses out of hammers and
nails. There still are capable artists using paint and brushes. It’s a
tool. Whatever g
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