I don't think that would work. If I understand well what you want to do 
(I apologise if I don't) , you plan to put every static not animated  
body of your level into a world and then compil that world into a single 
static model right ? If you do this then every faces of every bodys of 
your world will be rendered at each frame ! This will slow everything. 
Using one body for each object in your world allow soya not to render 
bodys that are not visible.

The best thing I found out to speed up soya is space partitioning, ie 
using quick sort systems to find out very quickly which bodys are 
visible by the camera and which are not. Bodys that are not visible are 
not rendered and advance_time method of non visible bodys is not called.


Lunpa, The wrote:
> I remember seeing that world files can be compiled into single models
> for efficiency:
> So, I'm imagining this scenario as to be what I should do when a level loads:
> 1) load up the terrain models
> 2) load body instances into a separate world instance
> 3) compile that world instance into a model
> 4) load said new model into the root world instance
> 5) clear out the body data and the temporary world instance
> World this work?  And is it closer to the intended way of using soya?
> Also, what would be the best way to clear out the temporary World and
> Body Instances?
> would a simple "del temp_world" do the trick, or do I need to do
> something more elaborate?

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