wow this looks very nice.  My impression is that its a lot more  
reflective of SQLObject's specific API, is this accurate ?

On Oct 30, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Daniel Haus wrote:

> TurboEntity is a high-level declarative layer on top of SQLAlchemy,
> inspired by - but somewhat "thicker" than - Jonathan LaCour's
> ActiveMapper extension.
> Features currently include:
> - automatic polymorphic inheritance
> - easy specification of relationships
> - automatic creation of primary keys
> - automatic creation of foreign keys
> - automatic creation of secondary tables
> - relations can be specified across modules
> More information, documentation, examples and baloons for the kids can
> be found at
> And here's the blog post. Comments are open!
> Please let me know what you think about TurboEntity and if you find it
> useful.
> Greetings,
> Daniel
> >

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