remember that struts is just a bunch of java classes, so any scalability and hardware 
questions can really be boiled down to "is java performant enough for our 
struts is really just a layer between your business objects and the web browser.  Any 
caching should happen between the business objects and the database.

If it is a non trivial web application, and it will be written in java, then you 
should use Struts. If you don't, the developers will just end up writing (and 
debugging) what is already done for them in Struts.  Struts is the de facto standard 
and lots of people have skills with it in the marketplace.  There are plenty of books 
covering struts, so learning it is no problem. The mailing lists are great.  I 
recommend Husted's Struts in Action or O'Reilly Programming Struts (2nd). The downside 
is that some of the nomenclature in the framework is tricky/fuzzy and it can take a 
little while to get the hang of Struts.

We would like our application to support at least hundreds of concurrent
users. What kind of issues does this arise in terms of hardware and
software/application configurations? How many users per app server would
be feasible and how to handle multi-server environment gracefully? How
is caching supported or implemented in Struts?

What do you think are the fundamental issues to focus on design &
development? And if you think, based on my very poor description of
requirements, that Struts may not be the right framework, what are the

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