What's more, the on-line help on the Expresso list is probably the best I have
ever encountered.. In fact, I suspect the lead developer of the project is a
vampire so he never sleeps..;)  You can also pay a pretty nominal amount for
prime support - and if you contribute to their open-source project, I believe
you can even qualify for free support!!

Re. your earlier question, here's my 1 cent:  we have been working on a long
(2+ years and counting) project.  Version 1 involved a lot of "home-grown"
servlets and jsps. Version 2 involved building additional functionality and was
written in a combination of servlets and Struts (due to differing degrees of
familiarity of the developers with Struts).  Version 3 (currently being
developed) is written entirely in Struts.  I can tell you that every time the
clients either notice a bug or want to change or add behaviour, we give a
collective groan if it has anything to do with non-Struts code!  But if it is
the "later" code, we just breeze through it..:)


Andrew Hill wrote:

> You might want to take a look at Jcorporates OpenSource Expresso framework.
> http://www.jcorporate.com/
> Ive not used it myself yet so cant give you an experienced opinion, but it
> uses struts and provides whole bunch of other goodies which migh help you
> get a head start on your project.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lauri Jutila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 29 October 2003 07:04
> Subject: Planning Struts Application Development
> Hello folks,
> I'm engaging in a web development project and my team is looking at
> Struts as a primary framework candidate for the application. Before we
> make final decision, I'd be glad to hear some commentary and experiences
> from real-world Struts users.
> Our project goal is to create an application which is leaning a little
> towards web-based group-ware applications in terms of feature set. No,
> we are not creating e-mail/calendar/task-list/foobar portal, but our app
> will include some of the basic group-ware app features and share quite
> many characteristics (different types of calendars come to mind).
> We would like our application to support at least hundreds of concurrent
> users. What kind of issues does this arise in terms of hardware and
> software/application configurations? How many users per app server would
> be feasible and how to handle multi-server environment gracefully? How
> is caching supported or implemented in Struts?
> What do you think are the fundamental issues to focus on design &
> development? And if you think, based on my very poor description of
> requirements, that Struts may not be the right framework, what are the
> alternatives?
> Best regards,
> --
> Lauri Jutila
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