David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/25/10 4:01 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

JD wrote:

What's strange is you don't have the extension Adobe DLM and when
you click on the install button you are given the option to save
the file. I don't get that option. I like your way better but
it's not offered to me. Hmmmm.

Check under Edit | Preferences | Helper applcations and see how you
are handling exe files. I get prompted because that's what I
trained SM to do; YMMV.

I went to the SeaMonkey menu bar and selected [Edit > Preferences].
On the Preferences window, I selected [Browser > Helper
Applications]. Scrolling down the list of helpers to where "Content
Type" is "Application", I see "Action" is "Save File".

Yes, sorry I missed a step.

What are the MIME type and extension? I have at least a dozen types that begin with "application/...," and most of them are not applications in the sense you intend. For example, there's a Flash video type listed as "application/flv." On my system, the MIME type for exe files is "application/x-msdownload."

I have no idea how to add or delete entries in the list of helpers or
how to add actions to those available in the selection list for each

In v.1, clicking an entry highlights it and enables the "Edit..." and "Remove" buttons. The "New Type..." button is always enabled.

I suppose the functionality is similar in v.2, which I don't have.

The hard part for me when listing new types from scratch has always been specifying the MIME type (I don't always know what it is). But SM saves me the trouble if I encounter a new type and it prompts me, saying "I don't know what to do with this..." If I have a policy I want to enforce permanently, I just check the box "Always perform this action..." and SM does the rest.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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