On Oct 1, 12:07 pm, Stanimir Stamenkov <s7a...@netscape.net> wrote:
> Sat, 1 Oct 2011 09:21:34 -0700 (PDT), /Ken/:
> > Thanks, but why should we have to setup another workaround to get the
> > functionality that was there previously?
> I guess the SeaMonkey devs want to promote the new Data Manager and
> eventually dismiss the old Xxx Manager UIs.  I don't know how long
> the old UI will be kept in the code base for one to use as workaround.
> > On another forum this was indicated as a way to get the old style
> > cookies, but what is to say that this capability will not be
> > removed.   Sounds like the developers do not use WampServer
> > environments, nor test subdomains.
> I already pointed out I don't see problems with subdomains and now
> I've tried with localhost - no problem too.  You should be more
> specific on how to reproduce your problem (you may discover you
> don't have a problem, after all).
> --
> Stanimir


If I go to Tools, Cookie Manager, Manage Stored Cookies
and enter "localhost" (without the quotes) in the Search Window, no
cookies are returned in the main window.

Whereas if you go to chrome://communicator/content/permissions/cookieViewer.xul
and also search for localhost, it returns over a dozen cookies.

Likewise when I search for "test.mydomain.com" where mydomain is my
domain URL.

So I am not understanding

> I already pointed out I don't see problems with subdomains and now
> I've tried with localhost - no problem too.

If my approach is not the correct method of accessing the Cookies,
then I would appreciate knowing what the correct method is.

Thanks again.
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