Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>"Scumbag" may be a little strong though,
Nope.  It's right on the mark.

>as most folks/companies simply aren't aware of standards,
aka incompetents. aka don't know how to do their jobs.

>or the existence of browsers beyond, say,
>Internet Exploder, Firefox, and maybe Safari.
aka morons.
As you note in a down-thread post, all of this indicates that
**Our people are all poorly trained in their profession**.

>Unfortunately, the only qualification for being a webmaster/author
>is you must be ... breathing.
Apparently so.
If there was licensing required as for plumbers and electricians,
these people's ticket would have been pulled long ago
and they'd appropriately be in bread lines somewhere.

As you also note down-thread, moving your account to a credit union
is a way to take the power back from the banksters
and to allow a **local** business to prosper using your money
(while keeping the money in your own community
--not going to some fat cat One Percenter).
Last month, there was a day dedicated to this movement.
There was a sizable migration in a short span.
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