>>Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>>>"Scumbag" may be a little strong though,
>JeffM wrote:
>>Nope.  It's right on the mark.
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>No, it is not. You can't blame the companies for these problems.
I already did that.
Stop defending the jerks and incompetents
who are involved in the production of crap
and who aren't EARNING their pay HONESTLY.

>It's the "web developer" companies they contract with
If you accept inferior work as acceptable, YOU are the problem.

>who hire kids right out of school
>who have no clue what they're doing.
Ah, the race to the bottom condoned once again.
The American business ethic at its finest.
Whatever happened to taking responsibility, quality assurance,
making sure that the job was done RIGHT?
Y'know, the **traditional** way of doing business.

>Please direct your ire toward them,
>instead of the actual companies who own the web sites.
Back when the USA still had manufacturers,
there was something called Incoming Inspection
who made sure that your suppliers weren't jerking you around.
With the USA not actually producing anything any more,
the concept has apparently been forgotten.

Hiring incompetent employees or contractors
demonstrate YOUR incompetence.
You don't get to pass the buck.
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