Install the open VPN client package on 2.0 - two clicks and you're done ! 
Viscosity is your best bet. 

So straightforward, your grandma could do It. 


Le 11 avr. 2011 à 18:19, Vick Khera a écrit :

> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Paul Mather <> wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get IPsec for mobile clients working with pfSense 2.0 
> and Mac OS X 10.6?  If so, which client are you using on the Mac OS X side?  
> Is anything special needed on the pfSense side?
> I *used* to use IPsecuritas but it was alway finicky.  I finally made the 
> switch for all of the roaming clients to OpenVPN using Tunnelblick and 
> everything has been much, much more stable.  I still use IPsec for my fixed 
> end-point tunnels between offices, and that works solidly.  All such 
> endpoints are pfSense.
> Unless you have some hard requirement to use IPSec for your mobile clients, 
> give OpenVPN a try.

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