On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Paul Mather <p...@gromit.dlib.vt.edu>wrote:

> Plus, I don't know how well-supported OpenVPN is on devices such as the
> iPad and iPhone.  But, in the absence of "it works for me" responses for
> IPsec on Mac OS X, I may just have to try it. :-)

iOS does not have OpenVPN built in. I never looked to see if some app
provides it, but I highly doubt it.

IPsec has been known to work with IPsecuritas.  It is just hit-or miss.  For
us, it worked for some people but not others, and pretty much everyone here
was using Comcast as their ISP (including the main office).  I think we
determined that consumer-grade Verizon DSL was blocking IPsec for some
bizarre reason, but my memory is fuzzy on the specifics.

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