Thanks for your (thoughtful) answer.

IMO it is not very efficient to (en)code 3D audio in maybe 32 audio tracks (including some metadata, tracks maybe in 96Hz), or to transmit/store even more "audio objects".

Therefore, they should consider or include Ambisonics (up to 3rd or 4th order) into the standard.

Question: Could the F-M HOA system be extended to include (just) 4th order? (We might talk about cinema applications here. Although 3rd order would probably be "good enough", to include 4th order would be even better.)



Dave Malham wrote:

On 20/07/2011 01:07, Stefan Schreiber wrote:

Dave Malham wrote:

Surround is not just about Ambisonics and maybe WFS, yet again.

True - but they are ones that work and are well established.


Ambisonics and WFS are well-established?! Depends on your view on this...

In the sense that the technology is well developed and that there are an increasing number of applications of both, though, I would agree, not in a mass market (yet)

It also sounds as if Ambisonics and WFS don't have some drawbacks, and of course both systems have some.

Indeed they have drawbacks - engineering is like that, always about making compromises, good engineering is about attempting to make optimal compromises. :-)

You "review" a system (SRS, CC3D) you even don't know enough, and obviously in a negative ("snake oil") way. IMO they are trying to develop a system which covers some demand from outside. "Cinema" is in the name of CC3D. Even if they are copying some elements from elsewhere, I think this is still ok. There seem to be some new aspects. On a system level, you can't say SRS is copying anything else, because there is no established parametric/object-based 3D audio system elsewhere which they could copy.

Sorry, but their blurb reads like snake oil sales talk so I called it that. It wasn't a comment on the system - since I haven't heard it and have no technical information to go on, I couldn't do so. It would, of course, not be unknown for companies who want to keep IP secret to deliberately obfuscate things....

Hmm, reading through this, it seems that basically they've discovered MPEG4 Spatial Audio Object Coding :-)

Was this about 3D audio? Doubt this... And anyway, outside from academic research nobody has implemented this.

I'm not sure about that.

For my part, I will try to get more information about this. However, I could imagine why SRS won't discuss their system on this list.

Look forward to hearing all about it...


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