I agree in that sometimes we don't look at God's /
nature's (whatever your religious persuasion)
"engineering design" ... and notice how "jigsaw
puzzly" perfect it fits together.  And try to imitate
it ... rather than arrogantly try to bend the whole
dang thing to "our" (us human's) will.

Take a Horse, for instance.  It goes and takes a crap
at the base of a tree.  Notice that it only goes there
to relieve itself. And gets it's own self-interest. 
And then walks away when it's done.....

What we often don't see .. is that in crapping, the
tree benefits also.  By being fertilized.

I think what we need to do is ... first ... look at
our automobile ... really hard.

Then, think to ourselves ... "if God / nature had to
engineer this automobile ... where in the food chain
would it put it???"

Then find a similar item in nature ... which
kinda/sorta has the same niche as what we want to
engineer.  An automobile does transportation .. so
maybe ... a horse??  Need high speed ... so maybe a

Then examine the design already in existence.  Find
out where the original designed item gets it "fuel" ..
where it dumps its "waste" ... how it gets its
"energy" ... etc.  Then copy it.  Maybe not exactly
... but do our best to be close.

Our entire natural ecosystem is a fine tunes piece of
machinery.  Like a Porsche 944 turbo.  And when the
automotive industry makes "aftermarket parts" for that
car (like a bigger turbo), it makes sure that the
add-on part fits into the picture complementing the
"system as a whole".  That's how you get maximum

I think we should treat the ecosystem "car" ... with
the same care.  When we add on (automobile / houses /

Just a thought.


--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your idea of waste and nature's idea of waste are two
different things. What you call "waste" is returned to
the soil to maintain the organic matter content,
essential for everything -

soil fertility, crop production, and the viability of
the "soilfoodweb", the tons of micro-organisms in an
acre of soil that make plant growth possible.
So if you're going to take that away too and burn it
in your car, what will you substitute for it? Chemical

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