womplex_oo1 wrote:

>Ok fine. You win.  They don't teach this stuff in Canadian schools,
>and I'm trying to find my way around using 50% intuition.  The
>Journey to Forever website is really poorly organized - there is no
>top-down comprehensive table of contents, and I can't download the
>documents, say in pdf format, so that i can read them offline or
>print them out so that I can read them while suffering less computer
>screen walleye-vision-induced eye strain (the primary cause of
>goldfish attention spans).
>One thing I've learned from business: the more components of a
>machine that you can make yourself, the lower your business costs.
>What small start-up entrepreneurs need is comprehensive how-to
>- growing fungi & bacteria,
>- extracting enzymes,
>- appropriate containers for liquid processing,
>- modular scalable steam explosion pre-processing equipment you can
>build yourself,
>- growing yeast,
>- fermentation,
>- making your own polyvinyl alcohol membranes,
>and so on...
>I repeat, the more components you have to buy from somewhere else,
>the more expensive the end product.  To get the cost down, we
>literally have to be able to do *everything* ourselves in one fully
>integrated & optimized operation.

Repeat away, but hasn't it dawned on you by now that that's what 
we're discussing here all the time? If you can't see that that's 
exactly what Journey to Forever is on about, then you really are 
blind, or worse. And it's not just me who'd say that, we get loads of 
email from people all the time saying just the opposite of what you 
say, and also, very often, the opposite of your opinion that it's 
"really poorly organized". That opinion I'd not be taking seriously 
from somebody who feels that PDF files are the route to proper 
organization. LOL! You can't grep dead trees. PDFs are a major reason 
the paperless office has failed to materialize - so you print it out, 
stuff it in a filing cabinet or something, or what, keep it on your 
hard disk? Have you got a full-text search program that will search 
it? (Whatever might be the advantage of that, eh?) Open it up, if you 
can ever find the thing, and no url, no way of knowing where it came 
from. It's as clunky as hell, and the type's all blurred - unlike 
html. That's probably where your goldfish vision comes from. Quite 
the most awkward, unwilling, otherwise piece of garbage to be found 
on the Web. That would really be the end of the Web, if websites were 
organized the way you want them to be. Why not learn something of the 
basics of downloading information from websites, and then handling it 
properly? Seriously, you're only getting a keyhole view of what's 
there, no use complaining about the keyhole - open the damn' door, 
it's not locked!

>there is no
>top-down comprehensive table of contents, and I can't download the

At the top-left on every page: "Sitemap (text only)"

We're not about to disorganize our website for the sake of the 
incompetent. Blind people can use it (they're among the most able 
users of the Internet, and I think PDFs are particularly unkind to 
them), people with really old gear can use it, kids can use it, 
everybody likes it, but you can't use it, and complain. You're the 
one out of step.


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