Chris Stratford wrote:

>Not most, some.

It probably doesn't matter, come November - it doesn't require a 
majority to hijack a democracy. After all, it didn't last time.

"If their charges are true, and there is little evidence to 
contradict their claims, George W. Bush has already won the 2004 
How George W. Bush Won the 2004 Presidential Election
Purging voter lists is just the beginning: the U.S. has embraced a 
form of electronic voting that is unreliable, unverifiable and funded 
by the radical Christian right. [of which more below]
Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program

Let alone all the spin, massaging and machinations, duly me-too'ed by 
a kept and supine media, that even the guy's fans are expecting.

>And not me. This war is ugly and nasty and will be
>long and hard, but it is a civilizational struggle between god's
>alleged servants and the allegedly enlightened ones. You pick which is
>which. the only thing I know is that the two sides cannot coexist, and
>I want my side to win.

So that's a clear statement from you on which "side" you're on? You 
think that's America's side?

>Politically incorrect as it may be, I think
>that the ideals of western civilization (as opposed to its common
>practice) are superior to the ideals of fundamentalist radical islam
>(as they are now practiced in parts of the arab world).

What kind of twisted comparison is this Chris? The unpractised ideals 
of a whole civilisation on the one hand vs the alleged practices of a 
splinter group on the other?

Let's make it just a little more true-to-life, shall we? We can 
ignore your splinter group, they're just a symptom, not a cause, and 
they and there practices are rejected by their civilisation (whose 
ideals and history are the equal of anyone's). They are indeed 
gathering strength but that's as a direct result of increasing cause. 
This cause is to be found increasingly in the practices and 
intentions of a fundamentalist radical splinter group that has 
managed to get its evil hands on the controls of what you call 
Western civilisation, or at least those of its leading power. That 
power is the US, and it's the leading power because it's the biggest 
and most powerful. So much for high ideals: those are the ethics of 
the caveman.

There are rules in Netiquette about criticising religions, especially 
on a multi-cultural list like this, and I hope you're aware of that, 
but I have no compunctions about it in this case because this is not 
a religion, it's an evil cult that's hell-bent on sowing war and 
destruction at any cost. I'm glad George Monbiot has penned this 
piece for the Guardian in the UK, because it's so bizarre that 
non-Americans have a really hard time believing it, and fail to 
realise its importance.,3604,1195568,00.html
US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy 
Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power 

George Monbiot 

Tuesday April 20, 2004 "The Guardian" -- To understand what is 
happening in the Middle East, you must first understand what is 
happening in Texas. To understand what is happening there, you should 
read the resolutions passed at the state's Republican party 
conventions last month. Take a look, for example, at the decisions 
made in Harris County, which covers much of Houston. 

The delegates began by nodding through a few uncontroversial matters: 
homosexuality is contrary to the truths ordained by God; "any 
mechanism to process, license, record, register or monitor the 
ownership of guns" should be repealed; income tax, inheritance tax, 
capital gains tax and corporation tax should be abolished; and 
immigrants should be deterred by electric fences. Thus fortified, 
they turned to the real issue: the affairs of a small state 7,000 
miles away. It was then, according to a participant, that the 
"screaming and near fist fights" began. 

I don't know what the original motion said, but apparently it was 
"watered down significantly" as a result of the shouting match. The 
motion they adopted stated that Israel has an undivided claim to 
Jerusalem and the West Bank, that Arab states should be "pressured" 
to absorb refugees from Palestine, and that Israel should do whatever 
it wishes in seeking to eliminate terrorism. Good to see that the 
extremists didn't prevail then. 

But why should all this be of such pressing interest to the people of 
a state which is seldom celebrated for its fascination with foreign 
affairs? The explanation is slowly becoming familiar to us, but we 
still have some difficulty in taking it seriously. 

In the United States, several million people have succumbed to an 
extraordinary delusion. In the 19th century, two immigrant preachers 
cobbled together a series of unrelated passages from the Bible to 
create what appears to be a consistent narrative: Jesus will return 
to Earth when certain preconditions have been met. The first of these 
was the establishment of a state of Israel. The next involves 
Israel's occupation of the rest of its "biblical lands" (most of the 
Middle East), and the rebuilding of the Third Temple on the site now 
occupied by the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosques. The legions of 
the antichrist will then be deployed against Israel, and their war 
will lead to a final showdown in the valley of Armageddon. The Jews 
will either burn or convert to Christianity, and the Messiah will 
return to Earth. 

What makes the story so appealing to Christian fundamentalists is 
that before the big battle begins, all "true believers" (ie those who 
believe what they believe) will be lifted out of their clothes and 
wafted up to heaven during an event called the Rapture. Not only do 
the worthy get to sit at the right hand of God, but they will be able 
to watch, from the best seats, their political and religious 
opponents being devoured by boils, sores, locusts and frogs, during 
the seven years of Tribulation which follow. 

The true believers are now seeking to bring all this about. This 
means staging confrontations at the old temple site (in 2000, three 
US Christians were deported for trying to blow up the mosques there), 
sponsoring Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, demanding 
ever more US support for Israel, and seeking to provoke a final 
battle with the Muslim world/Axis of Evil/United Nations/ European 
Union/France or whoever the legions of the antichrist turn out to be. 

The believers are convinced that they will soon be rewarded for their 
efforts. The antichrist is apparently walking among us, in the guise 
of Kofi Annan, Javier Solana, Yasser Arafat or, more plausibly, 
Silvio Berlusconi. The Wal-Mart corporation is also a candidate (in 
my view a very good one), because it wants to radio-tag its stock, 
thereby exposing humankind to the Mark of the Beast. 

By clicking on , you can discover how 
close you might be to flying out of your pyjamas. The infidels among 
us should take note that the Rapture Index currently stands at 144, 
just one point below the critical threshold, beyond which the sky 
will be filled with floating nudists. Beast Government, Wild Weather 
and Israel are all trading at the maximum five points (the EU is 
debat ing its constitution, there was a freak hurricane in the south 
Atlantic, Hamas has sworn to avenge the killing of its leaders), but 
the second coming is currently being delayed by an unfortunate 
decline in drug abuse among teenagers and a weak showing by the 
antichrist (both of which score only two). 

We can laugh at these people, but we should not dismiss them. That 
their beliefs are bonkers does not mean they are marginal. American 
pollsters believe that 15-18% of US voters belong to churches or 
movements which subscribe to these teachings. A survey in 1999 
suggested that this figure included 33% of Republicans. The 
best-selling contemporary books in the US are the 12 volumes of the 
Left Behind series, which provide what is usually described as a 
"fictionalised" account of the Rapture (this, apparently, 
distinguishes it from the other one), with plenty of dripping details 
about what will happen to the rest of us. The people who believe all 
this don't believe it just a little; for them it is a matter of life 
eternal and death. 

And among them are some of the most powerful men in America. John 
Ashcroft, the attorney general, is a true believer, so are several 
prominent senators and the House majority leader, Tom DeLay. Mr DeLay 
(who is also the co-author of the marvellously named DeLay-Doolittle 
Amendment, postponing campaign finance reforms) travelled to Israel 
last year to tell the Knesset that "there is no middle ground, no 
moderate position worth taking". 

So here we have a major political constituency - representing much of 
the current president's core vote - in the most powerful nation on 
Earth, which is actively seeking to provoke a new world war. Its 
members see the invasion of Iraq as a warm-up act, as Revelation 
(9:14-15) maintains that four angels "which are bound in the great 
river Euphrates" will be released "to slay the third part of men". 
They batter down the doors of the White House as soon as its support 
for Israel wavers: when Bush asked Ariel Sharon to pull his tanks out 
of Jenin in 2002, he received 100,000 angry emails from Christian 
fundamentalists, and never mentioned the matter again. 

The electoral calculation, crazy as it appears, works like this. 
Governments stand or fall on domestic issues. For 85% of the US 
electorate, the Middle East is a foreign issue, and therefore of 
secondary interest when they enter the polling booth. For 15% of the 
electorate, the Middle East is not just a domestic matter, it's a 
personal one: if the president fails to start a conflagration there, 
his core voters don't get to sit at the right hand of God. Bush, in 
other words, stands to lose fewer votes by encouraging Israeli 
aggression than he stands to lose by restraining it. He would be mad 
to listen to these people. He would also be mad not to. 

á George Monbiot's book The Age of Consent: a Manifesto for a New 
World Order is now published in paperback 

Copyright: The Guardian

Fundamentally Unsound

By Michelle Goldberg, Salon
August 2, 2002

The most popular novel in America right now is one in which the world 
is tyrannized by the former secretary general of the U.N., who 
operates from Iraq, and his global force of storm troopers, called 
"peacekeepers." Revered rabbis evangelize for Christ, repenting 
Israel's "specific national sin" of "[r]ejecting the messiahship of 
Jesus." Much of the world is deceived by a false prophet, part of the 
inner circle of the Antichrist, who seems a lot like the pope -- he's 
a Catholic cardinal, "all robed and hatted and vested in velvet and 

"The Remnant," which debuted at No. 1 on the New York Times 
bestseller list, is the 10th entry in Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim 
LaHaye's phenomenally popular "Left Behind" series, a Tom 
Clancy-meets-Revelation saga of the Rapture, the Tribulation and, 
presumably, the eventual return of Jesus. Last year's "Desecration," 
the ninth volume of a projected 14, was 2001's bestselling hardcover 
novel. There is probably very little overlap between Salon's 
readership and the audience for apocalyptic Christian fiction, but 
these books and their massive success deserve attention if only for 
what they tell us about the core beliefs of a great many people in 
this country, people whose views shape the way America behaves in the 

After all, Tim LaHaye isn't merely a fringe figure like Hal Lindsey, 
the former king of the genre, whose 1970 Christian end-times book 
"The Late Great Planet Earth" was the bestseller of that decade. The 
former co-chairman of Jack Kemp's presidential campaign, LaHaye was a 
member of the original board of directors of the Moral Majority and 
an organizer of the Council for National Policy, which 
has called "the most powerful conservative organization in America 
you've never heard of" and whose membership has included John 
Ashcroft, Tommy Thompson and Oliver North. George W. Bush is still 
refusing to release a tape of a speech he gave to the group in 1999.

The point isn't that all these leaders are part of some kind of 
right-wing Illuminati. It's simply that the seemingly wacky ideology 
promulgated in the Left Behind books is one that important people in 
America are quite comfortable with. The Left Behind series provides a 
narrative and a theological rationale for a whole host of perplexing 
conservative policies, from the White House's craven decision to cut 
off aid to the United Nations Family Planning Fund to America's 
surreally casual mobilization for an invasion of Baghdad -- a city 
that is, in the Left Behind books, Satan's headquarters.

Political attitudes and actions that make no practical or moral sense 
to secularists become comprehensible when viewed through Christian 
pop culture's eschatological looking glass. At a time when America is 
flagrantly flouting international law, spurning the U.N. and tacitly 
supporting the land grabs of Israeli maximalists, surely it's 
significant that the most popular fiction in the country creates a 
gripping narrative that pits American Christians against a conspiracy 
of Satan-worshipping, abortion-promoting, gun-controlling globalists 
-- all of it revolving around the sovereignty of Israel.

Israel is the key to the theology that dominates Left Behind (as well 
as much of American evangelical Christianity). In the religion, as in 
the series, the rapture is kicked off by a military attack on the 
country, which survives almost unscathed (though the first Left 
Behind, written before the current intifada, had Russian aggressors 
rather than Arabs). Indeed, the chain of events that lead to the 
return of Christ depends on the existence of a Holy Land that is 
under catastrophic assault. No wonder the born-again lobby is 
obsessed with Israeli self-defense, but opposed to any peace plan.

Those Israeli settlements in the West Bank that add so much kindling 
to the conflagration in the Middle East are often "adopted" and 
funded by American evangelical churches whose members are devouring a 
novel that depicts Jews reclaiming Palestinian land, moving Al-Aqsa 
Mosque out of Jerusalem and rebuilding the second temple on the Dome 
of the Rock. The chosen people are suddenly the darlings of the 
religious right, while a bestseller promotes the idea that Jews will 
soon convert to Christianity -- and atone for their centuries of 
stubbornness -- en masse.

Of course, it's not that every reader of the more than 50 million 
Left Behind books sold so far is an end-times fundamentalist any more 
than every Eminem fan is a homophobe. Nor are the books guaranteed to 
change their audiences' views on American foreign policy -- the 
relationship between culture and politics is never that simple. But 
the stories people tell themselves about the world necessarily shape 
the way they act in it, and right now, this is the story that's 
captivating America.

On one level, the attraction of the Left Behind books isn't that much 
different from that of, say, Tom Clancy or Stephen King. The plotting 
is brisk and the characterizations Manichean. People disappear and 
things blow up. Revelation is, after all, supremely creepy, which is 
why it gets so much play in horror flicks from "Rosemary's Baby" to 
"End of Days."

The opening sequence of the first Left Behind book is gripping and 
cinematic. Rayford Steele, an unhappily married commercial pilot, is 
flying to London and contemplating an affair with a stewardess, when, 
handing the controls over to his co-pilot and walking into the cabin, 
he finds her hysterical. People throughout the plane have 
disappeared, their clothes left in neat piles on their seats.

"This was no joke, no trick, no dream," Jenkins and LaHaye write. 
"Something was terribly wrong, and there was no place to run."

Returning to America, Steele finds a world in chaos. All real 
Christians -- as opposed to mere churchgoers -- as well as children 
and fetuses out of wombs have vanished. Planes flown by believers 
have crashed, along with cars driven by the faithful. The media 
struggles to make sense of it, but Rayford, whose marital troubles 
were caused by his wife's newfound religious passion, knows what 
happened. His wife had told him that Christians would be raptured up 
to heaven in preparation for the rise of the Antichrist, his 
nefarious seven-year reign and the Second Coming of Jesus.

The Left Behind books chronicle those seven years -- known to 
Christians as the Tribulation -- as a ragtag group of new believers 
form the "Tribulation Force" to thwart the murderous plans of Nicolae 
Carpathia, the U.N.-leader-cum-prince-of-darkness (often just called 
"the evil one," Osama bin Laden-style). Carpathia's rise is 
engineered by a cabal of bankers. He's supported by Israeli liberals 
enthralled by his devious promises of peace, and a Democratic 
American president sells out the country to Carpathia's one-world 
government. Meanwhile, the Tribulation Force finds a spiritual leader 
in Tsion Ben-Judah, a rabbi and former Israeli statesman who realizes 
the error of his Jewish ways and becomes a guerrilla media evangelist.

It's bizarre that more attention hasn't been paid to the series' open 
hostility to the Jewish religion, if not the Jewish people. Imagine 
if, say, James Carville wrote a novel in which a band of heroic gay 
socialists defeated a voracious army of slack-jawed Bible-quoting 
Republicans to turn the world into a gigantic French-speaking 
free-love commune. He'd be crucified on the talk shows, and all kinds 
of sinister motives would be impugned to the Democratic Party.

That a Republican player can create a blockbuster media empire out of 
analogous extremism suggests two seemingly contradictory things. 
First, Christian paranoia has become so mainstream that few see fit 
to remark on it anymore. Second, while the novels' popularity has 
received lots of media attention, their actual content is utterly off 
the radar of the kind of people who write about books. Nobody, it 
seems -- except, of course, for the series' millions of fans -- is 
reading Left Behind.

The Left Behind books actually play on that sense of being unfairly 
ignored, reveling in the moment when smug agnostics, insufficiently 
zealous Christians and, most of all, Jews realize how terribly wrong 
they were. As Gersholm Gorenberg wrote of the books in his "The End 
of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount," 
"Christianity's ancient, anxious amazement that the people who know 
the Old Testament best don't accept that it leads to Jesus (don't, in 
fact, accept that it is Old Testament) is at last disarmed."

Cannily, the authors make their protagonists disbelievers who are 
disdainful of fundamentalism. That means that doubters can relate to 
them and are thus drawn into their dawning religious consciousness, 
while believers get the satisfaction of seeing the heroes come around 
to their point of view. By having even minor characters recount their 
conversions, Jenkins and LaHaye make sure that each volume has 
moments when readers can enjoy a bit of high-minded revenge against 
mocking urbanites.

The writers take a special pleasure in the self-abnegation of 
supposedly sophisticated media types. In "The Remnant," a British 
reporter makes an appearance solely to explain her salvation. "All I 
can say is that the enemy has a stronghold over the mind until one 
surrenders to God," she says. "I was a pragmatist, proud, a 
journalist. I wanted control over my own destiny. Things had to be 
proved to me." Now born-again, she tells Steele that she's mystified 
by her former "lunacy."

Seeing the self-defeating delusions of erstwhile elites exposed may 
be the greatest pleasure the Left Behind books offer their readers.

The plotting alone certainly isn't enough to sustain attention in 
"The Remnant." That wasn't true of the first book -- theology aside, 
the setup of the original Left Behind makes for a strangely 
compelling thriller. The stage is the whole world gone mad, and the 
story roils with international intrigue. Jenkins and LaHaye are very 
good at turning esoteric biblical augury into real-world scenarios, 
and they get the action going before they start inserting too many 
sermons into the mix.

So simple fascination with a good story might have accounted for the 
book's initial success -- after all, audiences don't necessarily 
endorse the politics behind every action adventure they devour.

But by the time "The Remnant" starts, the suspense has pretty much 
died, because the story has the ultimate deus ex machina. Whenever 
things look grim for our heroes, when the enemy is closing in and 
there's nowhere to run, they're saved at the last minute by ... God. 
At the beginning of "The Remnant," Ben-Judah is encamped, Moses-like, 
with a million followers in the Jordanian desert. Carpathia's forces 
unleash a devastating bombing raid, but thanks to God, the resulting 
"massive sea of raging flames" leaves the so-called Judah-ites 
untouched. God can also be relied upon to speed up computer searches 
and drop plenty of nourishing manna on his blockaded flock. In the 
wittiest scene in "The Remnant," God is literally a co-pilot, sending 
an angel to help fly a plane during a tense getaway.

There's not much drama in the repeated victories of an omnipotent 
being, but that's not the only thing that makes "The Remnant" 
sluggish. In order to stretch out the series for so long, Jenkins and 
LaHaye have larded it with tedious subplots and countless techno-geek 
scenes in which a crafty Christian hacker named Chang sabotages 
Carpathia's plans or creates false identities for his comrades. About 
a third of "The Remnant" concerns the rescue of a Tribulation Force 
pilot named George Sebastian from Greece. The action mostly involves 
the characters driving around, splitting up, reconnoitering and then 
trying to find each other.

The Remnant has very little in the way of climactic good vs. evil 
showdowns. While there is a bit of supernatural deviltry (masses of 
vipers attack believers lured from Ben-Judah's protection by agents 
of the False Prophet) and some martyrdom (though not of any main 
characters), most of the story follows members of the Tribulation 
Force jetting around the globe running various errands. The nuclear 
annihilation of Chicago rates just a few lines, while the cellphone 
codes the Force uses to communicate gets several pages.

Left Behind cloaks itself in the conventions of ordinary airport 
thrillers, but it does far more than just provide a Christian 
alternative to decadent mainstream entertainment. It creates a 
Christian theory of everything, one that slates current events into a 
master narrative in which the world is destroyed and then remade to 
evangelical specifications. It's an alternate universe in which 
conservative Middle Americans are vindicated against everyone who 
doesn't share their beliefs -- especially liberals and Jews.

There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone is entitled to their 
fantasies. But LaHaye and Jenkins are at pains to show that the Left 
Behind books are meant as more than fiction. They write on the Left 
Behind Web site, "While it is true that in the broad spectrum of 
Protestant Christianity there are multiple views of the end-times 
scenario, the pre-millennialist theology found in the Left Behind 
Series is the prominent view among evangelical Christians, including 
their leading seminaries such as Talbot Seminary, Trinity Seminary 
and Dallas Theological Seminary."

So the rest of us can ignore Left Behind, or chuckle at its 
over-the-top Christian kitsch. We should keep in mind, though, that 
for some of the most powerful people in the world, this stuff isn't 
melodrama. It's prophecy.

Michelle Goldberg is a staff writer for Salon based in New York.


Superior civilisation Chris? Needs work, lots of work, and damn' soon.


>oh yeah, clinton was impeached (and lost his law license) for perjury
>and obstructing justice in a federal sexual harrassment case, not for
>getting serviced in the oval office.
>--- In, jtcava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hakan,
> > Most of us in the USA hate what  the current regime is doing and would
> > like nothing better than to see them all hang for war crimes and
> >
> > Regards,
> > John
> >
> > Hakan Falk wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >US is a funny nation, who seriously try to impeach a president for
> > >reasons and admire a president who wage war and driving the US
> > >to its worst levels since the depression. LOL
> > >
> > >Hakan

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