Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> >I myself am slightly that, as I am slightly ADD (attention deficit
> >disorder).  So is my wife, and we bore two children: one is autistic,
> >and the other has apraxia (speech delay, but thankfully nothing else).
> >My father is one of the world's most renouned Numismatists (coin
> >collector).
> He is? What's his name, if I may ask? I'm a numismatic myself, but a small
> one at that.

Robert Leonard.  Although he's bigger in the States than
international... although he was president of the ANA (American
Numismatics Association) for a year.
> >At least, that's the excuse I give my wife when I bid on a Cyborg for
> >$250 ;-)
> The same you talk about below? How much did that end at?

I was just being humorous.  No such thing happened.
> >Even Michael Berlyn doesn't have a copy of his own code any more.
> I didn't know that. The last one?

The last one we know of, anyway.
> (Hey Chris, I have another two pink freesb... errr.. Starcross saucers for
> you right here!)
> >Sadly for us -- and detailed in an old conversation that you can look at
> >in the archives -- Chris and many other collectors place much less value
> >on the diskette than the entire package.
> I'm like Chris, then. I'd rather have box and manual and no floppies, than
> working floppies and nothing else.

That's not quite what I meant, but you pose an interesting point:  Is a
software package without diskettes collectable at all?  I would love to
hear everyone's thoughts on this.  Personally, I can't place any value
at all in a software package that is missing the actual software.  No
matter how excellent the package and materials are in, it's worthless
for me without the actual product, which is sort of the point.  Even if
the disks are bad, they have to be there (although bad disks are a
severe disappointment).
> >Me personally, if I crack open
> >a rare game only to find that the disk is bad, the entire thing is
> >nearly worthless for me.  What good is a game that you CAN'T PLAY?  :-)
> You can look at it. And regarding that, a manual and a box are more
> interesting to look at than some floppies!

But the game is infinitely more interesting to *play* than it is to look
at the manual...?  That is the entire point the manual was created for,
> Do you think the guy that gave Jason Cobb a 5-digit-value for his Akalabeth
> actually cared if the floppy worked or not?

That's different.  That's a rare collector's item -- not just any item,
but one that represents a 2-decade gaming legacy.  That is a very, very
special case.

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