On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 09:38:35PM -0500, Ondřej Čertík wrote:
> >> That being said, if projects like binstar (https://binstar.org/),
> >> which was announced *yesterday*, take off and allow easy
> >> installation on all platforms (including Windows...), we can revisit
> >> this. Clearly, the issue of distribution of packages has not been
> >> fixed *today*.
> >
> > I don't see any reasons why this new project is an argument.  Can
> > you list some real problems (better for python >= 2.5)?
> One of them is for example that sympy.mpmath has received 13 patches
> since the last release of mpmath 0.17 over 2 years ago:
> ondrej@eagle:~/repos/sympy/sympy/mpmath(master)$ git shortlog -ns
> --since="February 2011" . | wc -l
> 13

It's also - not an argument in favor of some mystical
problems with mpmath's installation.

Actually, this just means that we have mpmath fork.

> At the moment we don't seem to have the manpower to also
> manage a release of another external project (mpmath).

Do you think, that mpmath is not supported well?

> There is another big problem, that I hadn't mentioned before. At the
> moment, you can use git bisect and go into history of sympy and easily
> figure out if something broke. The moment we start depending on
> mpmath, and we commit just one fix that breaks sympy (by adding it to
> mpmath directly and creating a new release), the git bisect stops
> working, and different sympy git hashes will depend on different
> versions of mpmath. That will be a huge nightmare.

We already have this situation for others external dependecies.

> Another issue, mentioned by Fredrik in the issue is that currently
> mpmath is tested with sympy.

Are you about sympy/mpmath/tests/*?  Why this can't be tested with
travis for a separate project?

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