On 01.12.2017 12:47, Marc Gemis wrote:
There was a long discussion on the Dutch forum awhile back [1]
I tried to convince them not to use landuse=village_green for hedges,
plants, flowers etc. in town centers.

On 01.12.2017 11:03, Simon Poole wrote:
> A large number of landuse=village_green seem to be due to an import in
> the Czech Republic, where is has been used for essentially any grassy
> area.

This is my observation in Germany as well, the value =village_green is easily misunderstood for any "green area".

The habit is nourished by the lack of a well-accepted tag for such generic green area, which does not qualify as park, garden or recreation ground. Often people cannot recognise from the imagery if it is covered by grass, bushes or trees, so they look for something "generic green".

One solution would be landcover=*, being orthogonal to landuse, however that is rejected to be rendered in the carto/main style.


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