I have a few remaining tagging question left to answer and the workflow still needs to be written up (and agreed on). Other than that, I think we're all good to go.

Not wanting to hijack the project I've been a bit unsure on how to push this import over the last hump. I could write up a list of questions for the mail list or I could try to finish the wiki page and have the discussions on the talk page. Any views or objections?

On 19/12/18 12:23 am, Joel H. wrote:
Hmm, It's been almost a month since the last message in this import-related thread. I hope for a date planned so we can follow through with the plan, since it seems pretty complete.

If Andrew Davidson is still interested, his script could help match and add the nodes into the relationships and possibly flag discrepancies in names.

Is anyone interested in reviving this effort?

On 19/11/18 8:49 pm, Andrew Davidson wrote:
Planning for the import is not finished yet, so please wait until after that.

On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 21:23 Lee Mason <lee.ma...@outlook.com.au <mailto:lee.ma...@outlook.com.au> wrote:

    I am prepared to make a start on the Tasmania import over the next
    few days, unless there is some further discussion?

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