> PS: so, don't you think wiki would be good to talk about all
> that ? (or a
> forum ?)

It's a time thing partly. By the time I've read the couple of
hundred or so emails that arrive each day, done a day's work and
spent at least some time with my family, time to start then reading
web-based forums and then visiting wiki pages to see if there may or
may not have been any discussion on them is time I rarely have.
Email in that respect is much better for discussions and I see
little difference between what people have to do to sign up for an
email list from having to sign up for a wiki account.

Also back in September I'd not really tried much wiki editing and
not knowing how it all worked was a bit off putting working out how
to edit just to comment; I know how to use email... I've learned a
lot since by expanding the pages related to progress in places in
Essex, and looking at the code that generates the maplint tests from
the Map Features page, so if a proposal gets mentioned on this list
I do usually go and have a quick look. It is unlikely I'd go back
after the initial mention though, so perhaps there should be a post
here to mention the start of each proposal phase and another saying
that a phase will close in a certain number of days if no more
comments/votes whatever are received. I think sometimes I see those
here, but certainly not for all the proposals. 


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