On 25 Sep 2009, at 13:58, malenki wrote:

You are right (except that I have uploaded ~2k pictures. Meanwhile 376
seem to exist for the counter :) )

I wonder how I cam to "Moderating" loggin in before, since there is no
hint how to get there now. After all, I took the URL from the history
of th browser, but then you had fixed the bug already

You probably used the link on the top right that shows up when there's images available? I'm having issues getting that to show the right thing, I'll have another go this weekend. For information the current counts are as follows, though the number that you can moderate will depend on whether you've already moderated the image or not (though the count on the website is definitely wrong at the moment).

|     1224 | available   |
|        7 | error       |
|      907 | moderation  |
| 48 | processing | <--- these have failed, I'll need to look into that sometime, seems the resizing library doesn't like some JPEGs, possibly bad uploads.
|        1 | unavailable |

Yes, when I click "Mask", even if I don't know/am not sure if there
to be something masked. Maybe it is an option to display one file
another at 1024x? or to show thumbnails bigger as they are now.

rasher on IRC suggested this too so I'll probably go with it when I
get time to do it, here's the mock-up he suggested, feel free to add
your own suggestions:

Looks good. An other view I'd like would be
http://omploader.org/vMmY0cQ I recycled the first mock-up; the
"selected picture" can be displayed in bigger size, of course.

Cheers, yes I suppose you could flick between the thumbnails and full size to make things quicker.

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