On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:

Check the list of arguments presented here for the mandatory separate account:

1. "it's easier to separate from normal contributions"
2. "it's more effecient for sourcing"
3. "it's easier to identify the source if we change the license. We
faced that issue in the past for ODbl transition"

1. We said we upload sourced elements. We can easily identify the
changesets. We already reverted bad imports ourselves. Using the same
account was never an issue for us.
And let say, I create my 2nd account. What happens if I use it for
normal contributions ? I will be blocked by the DWG ? Probably not.
Finally I could stay and always contribute with my 2nd account. Or
what will distinguish my import account(s) to my normal contribtuion
account for the DWG ? Attributions in the profile ? Are we blocked if
we specify more than one attribution in the user profile ? Are we
blocked if our contributions do not correspond to the attribution in
the user profile ? or if the DWG is not able to understand/translate
it ?

2. They are other methods for sourcing, each with pros and cons
(available or not in exports, duplicates, etc). And sourcing is
complex because many contributions are mixing several sources. And
rebuilding the whole history of an element is not trivial.

3. In our case, the dataset is released in a kind of "Public Domaine"
where only attribution is required. The risk about a licence change is
null (and it was not an issue for the cc-by-sa to ODbl transition).


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