On 29/05/2015, p...@trigpoint.me.uk <p...@trigpoint.me.uk> wrote:
> On Fri May 29 11:27:41 2015 GMT+0100, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
>> Even if it was justified, the reversals were either sloppy or biased : see
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/10021976/history which got
>> "name:ru     Лестер" deleted but was allowed to keep "name:uk        Лестер".
> The Ukrainian names were added after the mapper engaged the UK community.

If that's the case, it means the reversal was biased rather than
sloppy, which is arguably worse. name:ru was first added 4 years ago,
name:uk 1 year ago. The more recent changesets that re-added name:ru
got a changeset discussion where the contributor explained his
verification process, which isn't much but is probably as good as can
be in this case. "Лестер" is the same message from Ukraine and from
Russia, but in the second case the messenger was shot.

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