On Fri May 29 10:42:27 2015 GMT+0100, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> Exactly. Us Western Europeans would find Romanised versions of names useful 
> when travelling out of Western Europe (to give a real example: I'm visiting 
> Greece this summer, and while I'm just about at the stage where I think I can 
> decode the Greek alphabet, Romanised versions are definitely helpful), and 
> the converse should also be true.
I remember street names in Athens were in both latin and Greek alphabets when I 
was there,  although greek is at least recognisable to most westerners due to 
its use in maths and science. 
> You don't even need on the ground evidence. You just need someone with 
> knowledge of Cyrillic and Roman alphabets to be able to transliterate 
> Abergavenny into the Cyrillic, presumably.

Transliteration is something that can be done at application level, and a 
traveller would have learned the basics. You still need to be able to check the 
street names against.what is on the sign.
Then why not have a single transliteration?  A single cryllic to latin 
transliteration will serve all languages using the latin alphabet, do we need 
separate Russian,  Ukrainian,  Serbo Croat tags when they are identical?

Phil (trigpoint)
> Nick
> ________________________________________
> From: Andrew Hain <andrewhain...@hotmail.co.uk>
> Sent: 29 May 2015 07:07
> To: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?
> Dave Corley <davecorley <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > Lastly, and I think this is important point. To quote the wiki header
> "..... the project that creates and distributes free geographic data for the
> world." Either this is a database of worldwide geodata or its not. There's
> no half-way in that statement. Either all cultures, languages, countries,
> people and the variety these elements bring in terms of tagging, is accepted
> on a universal basis or its not.
> Thank you Dave. As a British mapper I am ashamed that some people want to
> make the map of my country less useful, and not only to Russian speakers a
> long way away.
> --
> Andrew
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