On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 04:21:01AM +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:
> Is it now. 

    Yes, it has been explained to you several times.

> I have been on the net for six years and nobody ever told me that they were
> aggreviated by the fact that I use a proportional font to compose in and 
> read my and theirs contributions with.

    Most likely because you weren't trying to do anything more advanced than
set up a lunch date.

> And if I may be so bold to ask -- isn't the whole point of _not_ sending
> html and stylized shit that this allows end users to see what they get the
> way they want to see it? 

    Yup.  So tell me, which perportional font do you use?  Is that different
than the font I use?  Yes?  Then why are you trying to impose your stylize
poo onto me?

> Isn't html meant to be just _structure_ which each end-user can apply their
> own lay-out to?

    Nope.  What layout?

> Nonsense. What you are saying is that everybody should send their mail in
> stylized text or html with css, because only that way that get  to see it as
> _you_ meant it. Ands last time I checked with RFC's, that was not the
> general idea.

    No, I am saying that everyone should send in plain text, fixed-width font
because unlike perportional fonts and HTML/CSS that is the /ONLY/ way the
sender and receiver can see the same thing, EVER.

> I can see you .sig fine, thank you. Eudora _does_ aloow me to switch from
> prop. view to fixed view at the press of a button.

    Bully for it.  Too bad that it doesn't do the right thing and keep you in
fixed-width font so other people don't have to see your poorly formatted

> I got loads of mail too. And yes, I want to have an unobtrusive warning if
> any of my fave mailinglist have new contributions, and of course my known
> contacts get filtered into their appropriate mailboxes. 

    You do have one.  Look at the folder list.  WOW, it's highlighted, it has
new mail!  Hey, in the "new mail" column it has 8.  That means 8 new mail in
that folder!  

> But if you'd think a bit beyond that, you'd understand that my inbox is the
> designated place for unexpected mail, and I would like to be automatically
> pointed there. 

    Why?  Why would you want to point to unexpected mail instead of expected

> lus, I would like to have some kind of overview: 

    Look at the folder list.  By gosh-golly-gundrops, IT IS AN OVERVIEW!  You
don't know what a lack of an overview is until you've use mutt or pine and
tried to tell the olympic class yoyos who use it that you'd like an overview
and they point out that have a button to go to the next folder with unread
messages in it.

> think that the mailbox-list overview works -- 
> especially since I tend to mark mail-to-be-replied-to 
> or -to-be-attended-to later as 'unmarked'. They will 
> show as nee. Exit overview.

    Look at the pretty numbers.  I do the same thing and I always know where
new mail is.  In fact, I've been doing it that way for 5 years across two
accounts.  If course with TB! (Or Eudora if I were ever inclined to use that
non-threaded dungheap) I'd just use colors to denote that.

>  >If you are filtering then your mail isn't
>  >going to the inbox and, again, there is no need for it.
> Why do I suddenly get the idea that you're arrogant?

    Took you that long, did it?

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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