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Hi Karin,

On 16 September 2000 at 00:29:40 GMT +0200 (which was 23:29 where I
live) Karin Spaink wrote and made these points on the subject
of "New user, lotsa questions":

KS> 1. If you move your cursor down in the window in which you are
KS> editing your mail (e.g. move it down to the next empty line), it
KS> goes down but stays in the same column

Correct.  This  is  not  a bug. This is TB's (love it or hate .. and I
personally  love it) "virtual space". Place the cursor anywhere on the
page,  start  typing and it will stick. It is, IMHO, the right way for
fixed  pitch  WYSIWYG plain text editing to work. There are others who
disagree about this but they have, so far, been unable to persuade the
authors to make it optional.

KS> 2. The tab. When I have "auto-format" on - I want to, I like it, I
KS> need it because I rewrite a lot - I can't seem to add a new
KS> parapraph to a section. Nor can I end a paragraph, give a tab for
KS> indent, and continue: (example: this). See? The Bat's editor
KS> automatically purges the carriage return and moves the "<tab>this"
KS> (see above) back to the end of the previous line. Or look at my
KS> garbled .sig: I can't seem to start on a new bit of the quoted
KS> conversation on a new line; only when I add a blank line.

Then  turn  off  auto-format.  Also,  you  may have to encompass a new
concept:  in  plain text, a paragraph needs a clear line to be clearly
at an end.

This is a new paragraph.

I  don't  indent my paragraph starts so I leave auto-format on. Others
do indent and have to have it off for that purpose.

KS> 3. The cookie file is a great feature and allows for rotating
KS> signatures. The help file is however not too helpful as to the
KS> format of the cookie file. After some experimenting, I discovered
KS> that each entry should have a line of its own, no line-breaks, and
KS> no empty lines between entries. But the cookies show up in one
KS> unbroken line whenever I start composing an e-mail or hit reply.
KS> How do you make your cookie-entries wrap?

Introduce  a  '\n'  (no  quotes)  sequence within the long line at the
point at which you want it break.

KS> 4. Although The Bat claims to have "HTML auto view" and while I
KS> have Options --> HTML auto view on, I get to see all the html-mail
KS> as plain text, tags included.

Hang-on  ...  with  tags?  You mean like <HTML> ... </HTML>? Then that
doesn't even conform to true HTML standard. You might be talking about
RTF  (Rich Text Format) mail, which isn't HTML standard and might show
as  you  describe.  HTML mail usually consists of a plain text message
with an attachment containing the HTML version of it.

KS> 5. When will the developpers add proportional fonts? I _hate_
KS> proportional. Suddenly my mail looks ugly.(Yes, I saw the
KS> workaround in the FAQ, and I might try it, but I like Arial best).

I  don't.  It  will  make  my  plain  text  justified  paragraphs look
absolutely  terrible.  It  will  make  columnar  tabulated information
completely  illegible.  There  are other reasons for using fixed pitch
font  besides these. There are a number of fixed width fonts that look
fine and are perfectly livable - Andale Mono is what I enjoy.

KS> 6. Why isn't the "Find" utility listed under the Tools menu? As of
KS> now, one can only find it in the Icon toolbar.

Tools -- Search? It's there.

KS> 7. I'd like to be able to tell The Bat to automatically focus on
KS> my Inbox when new mail has arrived. yes, it's a Eudora habit ;-)

Suggestion:  lose  that habit and turn on the ticker (tm) ;-). You can
filter  your  mail on receipt and use the ticker to provide you with a
virtual  folder  full  of  *all*  of your new mail regardless of which
folder  it may have been filtered to. I, for one, would *not* want the
current folder focus to move just because I have more new mail.

KS> For the rest, I am quite impressed. And I'm sure I'll have more
KS> questions while I proceed to explore The Bat.

TB  is  a  *very* different animal. Enjoy your explorations. There's a
lot under the bonnet and, usually, pretty good reasons for the quirks.

- --
[    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]

 Kids Stuff:
Water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212
degrees.  There are 180 degrees between freezing
and boiling because there are 180 degrees between
north and south.
 TB! v1.46c S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998

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Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness!


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