On 17-09-2000 at 01:27, Marck D. Pearlstone kindly wrote:
> Hi Karin,

KS>> 1. If you move your cursor down in the window in which you are
KS>> editing your mail (e.g. move it down to the next empty line), it
KS>> goes down but stays in the same column

> Correct.  This  is  not  a bug. This is TB's (love it or hate .. and I
> personally  love it) "virtual space". Place the cursor anywhere on the
> page,  start  typing and it will stick. It is, IMHO, the right way for
> fixed  pitch  WYSIWYG plain text editing to work.

Ah, but I don't like pitcvhed fomts to begin with.
And as I told Jurek: it feels as if somebdy is
hammering it in. You _will_ have fixed fomts and
even if you find your way around them. we will
still make your message editor act asd if it were
fixed font!

>  they have, so far, been unable to persuade the
>  authors to make it optional.

Pity ;-)

KS>> 2. The tab. When I have "auto-format" on - I want to, I like it, I
KS>> need it because I rewrite a lot - I can't seem to add a new
KS>> parapraph to a section. Nor can I end a paragraph, give a tab for
KS>> indent, and continue: (example: this). See? The Bat's editor
KS>> automatically purges the carriage return and moves the "<tab>this"
KS>> (see above) back to the end of the previous line. Or look at my
KS>> garbled .sig: I can't seem to start on a new bit of the quoted
KS>> conversation on a new line; only when I add a blank line.

> Then  turn  off  auto-format.  Also,  you  may have to encompass a new
> concept:  in  plain text, a paragraph needs a clear line to be clearly
> at an end.

I won't repeat myself, but we're talking cultural
differences here. In my country, you don't. And in
my book, you don't either.

> I  don't  indent my paragraph starts so I leave
> auto-format on. Others do indent and have to
> have it off for that purpose.

Ok, so it's an either/or thing.

[cookie won't break]

> Introduce  a  '\n'  (no  quotes)  sequence within the long line at the
> point at which you want it break.

I'll try. Wait.... Yeah !! Thanks!

KS>> 4. Although The Bat claims to have "HTML auto view" and while I
KS>> have Options --> HTML auto view on, I get to see all the html-mail
KS>> as plain text, tags included.

> Hang-on  ...  with  tags?  You mean like <HTML> ... </HTML>? Then that
> doesn't even conform to true HTML standard. You might be talking about
> RTF  (Rich Text Format) mail, which isn't HTML standard and might show
> as  you  describe.  HTML mail usually consists of a plain text message
> with an attachment containing the HTML version of it.

Jurek answered that one. It's old, imported mail.
Something got fucked up in the conversion,. New
mail looks ok.

KS>> 5. When will the developpers add proportional
KS>> fonts? I _hate_ proportional.

> I  don't.  It  will  make  my  plain  text  justified  paragraphs look
> absolutely  terrible.

There's no discussing taste. But as I said: why
both have the fixed fomt as the only alternative
_and_ free caret?

KS>> 7. I'd like to be able to tell The Bat to automatically focus on
KS>> my Inbox when new mail has arrived. yes, it's a Eudora habit ;-)

> Suggestion:  lose  that habit and turn on the ticker (tm) ;-).

I tried for a bit but it insisted on being over
everything else -- plus, i still need to go to my
inbox, and I don't have a filter report, and...

Will you please be kind to this silly Eudora
junkie who's trying to kick her habit? ;-)

>You can  filter  your  mail on receipt and use
>the ticker to provide you with a  virtual  folder
>full  of  *all*  of your new mail regardless of
>which  folder  it may have been filtered to. I,
>for one, would *not* want the  current folder
>focus to move just because I have more new mail.

<courageously puts back the ticker>

I don't want to have each and every header... I
just would love to have a general overview. "The
Bat" folder 3 new, Swans folder 6 new. etc...

KS>> For the rest, I am quite impressed. And I'm sure I'll have more
KS>> questions while I proceed to explore The Bat.

> TB  is  a  *very* different animal. Enjoy your explorations. There's a
> lot under the bonnet and, usually, pretty good reasons for the quirks.

Comfort me. I want a pat for all my brave
exploring... :-0

- K -


 'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different 
things.' 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's 
all.'%0D%0A  -- Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass

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