Hash: SHA1

On 19/09/00 at 04:38 Avenarius wrote:

>Karin, I believe you'll find that The Bat! features several grave
>shortcomings (such as the totally inconfigurable main window
>arrangement) that make other mail clients like Pegasus or even the
>Opera browser mailer (!) shine like a star in comparison to The Bat.
>However, on the *whole*, The Bat! is without competition and I
>wouldn't consider switching to another mail client no matter what.
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

Three cheers for Karin!  As a newcomer to this group she has asked
awkward questions which have shaken a lot of us out of our
complacency!  The Bat has a great deal of computing power behind it,
but in my book its interface is terrible.

I know many of you follow the (limited) fixed width fonts with
evangelical fervour, but I don't like the way they look.  And I
prefer something like Editpad to The Bat's internal editor. I can't
even get the PGP 2.6.3 executable function to work!

The Group seems to be divided between those who are used to
traditional (unix?) computer interfaces, which The Bat most closely
follows and those, like me, who have grown up with Windows.  Many
comments on this Group are to the effect "stick with it, you'll get
used to it in due course", but in truth I never have, and until The
Bat's interface resembles something like Calypso's or Eudora's,
others out there won't be interested in trying it, no matter how much
power the program has.  That's why The Bat is on my computer and I do
use it, but for me Calypso 3.1 rules.

I know these comments are going to be addressed in v2,but for the
moment we're stuck with v. 1.46, and it has taken Karin to ask all
those awkward questions I wish I'd thought of, for the answers have
enlightened me as to the way The Bat can be made to work better.  But
it doesn't *LOOK* better than others out there.
Version: Encrypted with PGP Plugin for Calypso
Comment: PGP 6.5.3 (bug fixed against ADK problems)


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